How to get a chronological news feed on Facebook


All that I want is of set my Facebook news feed to chronological. I don’t care what Facebook thinks I should be watching or what it thinks are the most popular posts from my network of friends. I just want to see everyone’s posts based on when they post them. That’s it.

I have made great efforts for this to happen on my desktop, and aside from a few quirks where I keep getting redirected to Facebook when I try to leave the site, that’s served me well.

However, Facebook is now sort of, sort of, making it a bit easier to get a more personalized news feed. in its iOS and Android applications. As you scroll down your feed, a small bar will remain at the top of the application window which will allow you to stick to the “Home” algorithmic feed or switch to separate “Favorites” and “Recents” feeds. :


Screenshot: David Murphy

Remember that the “Favorites” feed is the one you organize yourself. Tap it, then tap “Manage Favorites»Add various people and pages to your favorites list. They’ll appear higher in your News Feed whenever they have something to say, and they’ll be the only entities that appear in your Favorites Feed.

The “Recent” feed, however, is just that: everything you can see on your Facebook news feed, but chronologically. Buthere is a oddity to keep in mind about this whole setup. You can tap the settings type icon to the right of Recent, which seems to imply that you are selecting a default option for your news feed:


Screenshot: David Murphy

This is unfortunately not the case. Tapping on these options does the same thing as tapping them directly into that little glued bar. Close and relaunch your Facebook app, and you’ll see that it’s your default home news feed by default.

One step forward; two steps back. WWe’re getting closer to the holy grail here –a way to choose a default stream – but I also suspect that we will never have this option, because it is obviously in the interest of Facebook to show you a diverse range of content, rather than, say, what 20-30 people Publish. I will continue to hold on, however. And I will also continue to look for a smart hack that default values to a timeline in my Facebook apps forever.


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