How to improve the Google ranking of a website


Search engine optimization (SEO) is becoming more and more important for all sites. Historically, some of the techniques used have given SEO a bad name, but there are several simple ways to make sure your site benefits from natural search results.

The search can be classified as organic (natural) or paid. Organic (natural) results are those that appear naturally in search engine results pages (SERPs). The high scores depend on both the technical construction of your site and its content.

Paid results, often referred to as Pay Per Click or PPC, are the results paid by site owners and usually surround organic listings.

Research shows that web users prefer organic lists to paid lists, viewing them as more relevant and reliable.

The goal of SEO is to improve the performance of your SEO organic, which should increase the traffic on your site.

Organic results

Search engines index the web with the help of large groups of computers, called bots, that roam the web by following links found on web pages. These URLs are populated in search engine indexes and it is this index that is queried whenever a user performs a search.

Search engines use complex mathematical equations, called ranking algorithms, to classify search results. Google's algorithm alone supports over 200 individual factors to decide the outcome, in which order, to refer to its Internet users.

Organic SEO can be divided into two categories: On the page: code and content that you use to manage and distribute your web pages. Off page: external factors affecting SEO.

This is mainly focused on creating links – creating links to other websites. Here we will focus on page optimization methods, all of which are under your control.

The most important thing is to maximize accessibility so that search engines can find all your content. There are two ways to be discovered by search engines.

One is to submit your site directly to their index (Google; Yahoo; Bing). The other is to wait until they find it via links to other sites during their exploration. For more information on Google's scanning process, see this page.

Sending Google URLs

To make sure your website is accessible to search engine robots, follow these simple steps:

1. Be careful not to prevent search engines from indexing your site via the Robots Exclusion Protocol by using a robots.txt file, used to give instructions to search engine robots. More information about it can be found here.

2 Make sure your content is machine readable. Avoid using Flash, video, or images to exclusively host your content. Remember that search spiders can not see images or videos: they can only read text written on a web page.

3 Make sure you have a clear internal link architecture. Promote important content to the homepage and link to the key sections of the site via dedicated navigation Group the content into clear site sections reflected in your site's navigation to help users and search engines. research. For example: / news / products / category-1 / category-2 / blog / about / contact

4 Eliminate duplicate content. This may be due to the way your server is configured or the way your CMS provides content. Whatever the case, it must be remedied. We will see later how to solve the most common duplicate content problems.

5 Make sure you target the right keywords for your business goals. Just as successful advertising campaigns contain content that appeals to a target demographic, successful websites must focus on the most relevant keywords for their target audience.

Google Sitemaps

You can help Google by providing a sitemap file (called sitemap.xml) that lists all your content and how often you update it. Visit the Webmasters web page provide this information to Google.

Duplicate pages are a bad thing, and creating pages that specifically detect Googlebot (the Google web analytics tool) and serve something designed for this purpose is an absolute no-no.

If you use a CMS such as WordPress, it's worth it to create static versions of pages as much as possible. This is not crucial – Google can handle dynamic pages nowadays – but that does not hurt.

This text version clearly explains what is used to understand the content of your site.

Wherever possible, it is also best to have permanent links such as & # 39; / products / fridges / dynatech-coolfreezepro / & 39; for pages, rather than addresses ending in & # 39; Page = 42132 & # 39; Each piece of data you provide to the robot will increase your chances of finding search results.

When it comes to raw content, the most important thing is that your site uses the keywords that people are looking for.

Visit the Webmasters web page again and request a copy of the data that Google's search engine uses, then review them. If your site does not use the phrase "human human spider catcher", Google will not direct users to search for these words on your site.

This sounds obvious, but content in frames, videos, images, Twitter snippets or generated on the fly can be omitted.

After that, the challenge is to get good links to strengthen your authority.

SEO explained

These are simple tips, but SEO is really very simple – people who claim the opposite have something to sell you. Never be tempted to pay for crazy rides.

In most cases, they do not work, send only worthless traffic rather than real readers, and may come back to sting you later.

Although exercise and good nutrition are the only way to lose weight, good content is the only real way to get a good ranking on Google.


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