How to install the latest macOS on an unsupported Mac


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Throwing in perfectly good tech is one of my biggest pet peeves, but sometimes it seems inevitable. We all know we don’t need to upgrade to the latest iPhone every year, but when Apple stops supporting updates on your MacBook or iMac, isn’t your only solution to upgrade to a new one? No, I say. Yesour Mac can actually run the latest version of macOS, although Apple doesn’t help you install it.

If you can afford it, it can be tempting to fix your problems by buying a new computer. After all, Apple’s Mac M1s are impressive; they’re super fast and incredibly efficient, and might make your aging, lethargic, unsupported Mac look like-so-awesome in comparison. Also, a new Mac currently supports macOS Big Sur, will update smoothly to macOS Monterey and supports updates for years to come.

The point is, you don’t have to ditch your old Mac to run Apple’s latest software. While the company may reject your machine for the latest iteration of macOS, there are those who are dedicated to keeping older Macs running for as long as possible, and have figured out how to install software like Big Sur on older Macs up close. 15 years old.

Why is Apple discontinuing service for older Macs?

First of all, it’s not just Apple; all tech companies are ultimately abandoning software support for their devices. They do this for a variety of reasons; one of the most important is that aging technologies generally cannot keep up with new software. Even if you remove some demanding features for older hardware, companies ultimately decide that their latest software update just isn’t worth the headaches of installing on older technology.

At the same time, it becomes complicated and expensive to adapt software updates to older devices. Every time Apple releases a new iMac or MacBook, it’s another device added to the Global Library, which means it’s another device macOS developers need to consider when working on the software. It takes resources to ensure that a new software update won’t run like trash on a particular device, and so at some point it becomes easier to just drop support for that. machine.

Of course, the cynical (but realistic) point of view is that there is a business strategy behind dropping software support for older devices. If Apple cuts support for macOS for your Mac, you’re much more likely to consider buying a new one than if you could take advantage of the latest features and changes. That is definitely starting to change as more and more people realize that their old tech is still good enough to hang on to, but that won’t help if your Mac isn’t already supported.

How to install the latest version of macOS on your old Mac

When a company like Apple decides that your Mac is no longer capable of running macOS, it leaves the little guy to figure it out for himself. Enter OpenCore Legacy Patcher. Tits utility tricks macOS into thinking you’re using a newer Mac than you actually are. As such, it allows you to run the latest version of macOS on any Mac supported by OpenCore.

Generally, OpenCore Legacy Patcher supports Macs dating back to 2008, with a 2007 model. Macs from 2006 and earlier are generally not supported here. You can find a full list of Macs supported by OpenCore here. In addition to a compatible Mac, you will need a 16 GB USB drive to set up OpenCore. Once you’ve completed all of the setup, you’ll be able to set up the patcher on your computer itself, so you won’t need the USB drive every time you boot into your chosen version of macOS.

OpenCore Legacy Patcher a an in-depth visit that you can use to download the version of macOS you want to run, and explains how to install it on the device of your choice. If you’re a little tech-savvy, you’ll probably follow the directions and be on your way to a “new” Mac. However, if you take a look at the instructions and find them a little intimidating, you may seek help elsewhere.

It may be more helpful for you to follow these instructions visually. Mr. Macintosh has a great walkthrough video on YouTube that you could use if OpenCore’s instructions are a little too confusing to follow. It even connects directly to Big Sur’s installers, so you don’t have to go through Terminal to download them like the OpenCore instructions did.

How to install macOS Monterey on your old Mac

With macOS Monterey, Apple is dropping support for the 2013 and 2014 MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and iMac models, as well as the 2015 MacBook. If you have any of these new unsupported models, or if you own a Mac even older, you’re probably wondering how to install macOS Monterey on it using Open Core Legacy Patcher.

As of this article, macOS Monterey is not yet available. However, OpenCore does support installing the beta version of Monterey on your old Mac. You’ll follow the same instructions as above, except this time you’ll be using the macOS Monterey beta installer. You can find the latest valid download links for the Monterey Beta Installer at Mr. Macintosh’s site here. It even has a MacOS Monterey Beta Specific Walkthrough, if you are interested.


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