How to locate reduce, burn fat


Unless you are Terry Crews, there are probably some places that store more fat than you prefer. In fact, many people naturally have more fat in certain areas, such as the belly, buttocks or thighs. Some will go crazy by giving up carbohydrates or spending hours hovering to tone up.

Although it is important to prioritize healthy foods and exercise, there is no way to reduce fat loss even if you sit down 100 times per day. day and you live with a grilled chicken breast.

Here's all you need to know about fat loss, including why it's impossible to target "problem areas".

You can not lose fat cells

People always talk about burning or eliminating fat, but the truth is that you never get rid of fat cells. Fat cells accumulate throughout adolescence, but remain stable as adults. Instead, the fat cells contract and grow as you lose and gain weight.

You reduce or "burn fat" by breaking it down into smaller acids called free fatty acids, says Melanie Boehmer, R.D. at Lenox Hill Hospital. This happens when your body uses stored fat because of exercise or because you are in a caloric deficit.

Ok, but which exercise burns the most belly fat?

Everyone wants to know the best movements for a carved stomach, but exercise will not necessarily burn fat in the area you are targeting.

"All movements in the world will not reduce your waistline," says Men's health Director of Fitness, Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. Movements that target specific muscles, such as abdominal straightening and tricep contractions on the back of your arms, can change your physique, but it's not the same as the punctual reduction.

"Instead, these exercises help you gain more muscle, creating a more toned appearance," said Samuel.

According to Boehmer, various factors such as gender, age, genetics, and lifestyle affect where your body stores and loses fat first.

"There is really no kind of concrete reason why it was removed from a domain or not," she says. "It's really lucky cards."

So, what is the best way to reduce fat?

Here's the good news: the best diet is the one that's right for you.

You can lose weight as a vegan, vegetarian, paleo enthusiast or keto enthusiast – as long as you stick to it.

"This will allow you to train to build muscle and conform to a form of caloric deficit that will allow you to lose weight," said Boehmer.

Of course, she recommends following a well-balanced diet that limits snack foods, such as potato chips, and contains lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Without a doubt, exercise will speed up your weight loss efforts. Samuel recommends compound movements like burpees, deadlifts, squats and rowing because they speed up your heart rate, force your whole body to work and burn more calories.

"Burn more calories and more fat," says Samuel.


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