How to sleep on your back and get the best possible rest


VSOmfort is the cornerstone of a quality night’s sleep – and getting the right number of winks is essential for improving overall health. Since sleep deprivation is linked to major issues such as poor memory retention, weakened immune system, high blood pressure, and severe crankiness, doing your best to sleep well is definitely an activity. which deserves to be prioritized. And while many lifestyle choices can impact the potential quality of a rehearsal, neither a strictly enforced caffeine cut-off time nor a Zen-inducing meditation, for a few examples, will mean much in terms of reward. REM if your body is not. t in an ideal position for sleeping. And learning to sleep on your back can help.

When it comes to popular sleeping positions (which include sleeping on your back, sleeping on your side, and sleeping on your stomach), lateral sleep is the most common. But the most common doesn’t have to mean the same as the absolute best or even the most recommended for you to try, according to a professional.

“There are a lot of misconceptions about the ‘best’ sleeping position,” says John Cronin, MD, Medical Head of Sleep and Respiratory Care at Philips. “There really isn’t a better sleeping position, and the reality is that people have to move at night to readjust and relieve pressure on sensitive skin. Lateral sleep is not always durable or comfortable throughout the night; each person should release the pressure on the hips, knees and shoulders to redistribute the pressure. “

So, if sleeping in a corpse-like position is what is right for you in terms of comfort, then prioritize it. But be careful knowing that there can affect sleep and respiratory rate, especially if you are in a relationship with another person. “When [sleeping laying upwards], gravity pushes straight down on the tongue, mandible, and associated soft tissue, which can lead to more snoring and apnea, ”says Dr. Cronin. “Some people snore or have [sleep] apnea in this position.

If you are having trouble with snoring, you may want to consider checking out some of these anti-snoring devices to help you. And if you think you are suffering from sleep apnea, see a specialist. Otherwise, with the help of props and positioning tips, you should be able to learn to sleep on your back with little problem and potentially a lot more comfort.

How to sleep on your back and stay aligned

“There is a range of options, such as simply doing your best – which is hard to do consistently when you sleep – and more aggressive use of pillows to strengthen a person’s knees and back,” explains Dr Cronin. “There are over-the-counter body positioners that may be of use, although there is no evidence of an ever superior tactic or device.”

Check out three of these body positioning tips and tools below:

1. Use a pillow that is not raised

“One principle I focus on is a natural and ‘neutral’ position of the spine for normal sleep and function,” says Dr. Cronin. “Regarding the height of the pillow, we don’t want the neck to flex too much – head forward – extension – head back – or tilting side to side.

This means that if you sleep on your back, it pays to keep your head closer to the mattress. A contoured pillow like this should support you perfectly.

Buy now: Elviros memory foam neck pillow, contour pillows for neck and shoulder pain, $ 53

2. Support a pillow to support the knees

“The lumbar spine has a natural curve that flattens out when the legs are flat while sleeping on the back,” says Dr. Cronin. “This is improved when the knees are slightly bent, but it is a difficult position to maintain.”

With that in mind, a half pillow placed under your knees can make all the difference.

Buy now: Back pain relief memory foam pillow, $ 24

3. Fall asleep naturally on your back and get something to push you through at night if you move around

If you’re ready to sleep on your side, but lying on your back helps you doze off, you might want a device that can push you in the right direction for a quiet night. As a reminder, one of the main concerns associated with sleeping on your back is that it can lead to snoring. This is where an anti-snoring device, like the Phillips SmartSleep Snoring Relief Band, can help. It lets you fall asleep in your preferred position, then uses adaptive vibrations and censors to fall asleep by your side.

If you have a diagnosed sleep problem like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), Dr Cronin recommends looking at a device like Philips NightBalance, another tool that helps people with OSA achieve a sleeping position. more desirable. This requires a prescription, so again, speak with a healthcare professional if you think something like this would be right for you.

Buy now: SmartSleep Snoring Relief Band, $ 200

Factors to consider when training to a new sleeping position

In short: don’t force it. Whether you are trying to learn to sleep on your back, on your side or on your stomach. We usually don’t stay stationary during sleep – and some move a lot more than others. (On average, we tend to move between 11 and 45 times in an eight-hour period.) So if you doze off pancake-style, you won’t necessarily stay that way anyway.

So pay attention to what your body is saying. If you experience body aches or snoring preventing your partner from sleeping, it may be worth changing your sleeping position. But don’t worry if you don’t fit a new job right away. “I think setting expectations is essential,” says Dr. Cronin. “Sleep is a new business every night, so it’s worth doing the job that’s right for you and your needs when you weigh the benefits against the risks.”

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