How to stay young: A Mediterranean diet and wise choices can help you stay healthy



The Mediterranean diet is the best way to age well by choosing foods. (Image: OksanaKiian / Getty Images)

"It's simple: if you eat well, you're getting older, in fact, you can reverse much of the aging process by preparing your diet with healthy, stimulating foods," he says. With all the conflicting nutritional advice at the moment, Rick says that many people do not know what they should or should not eat. "As a result, bad choices are made – and those choices can get old."

The good news, however, is that all parts of the body benefit when you eat with an anti-aging diet.

"It's well known that what you eat affects the skin and a good diet is the key to a radiant complexion," Rick says. "The same principle applies to the rest of the body." We may not be able to see what's inside, but we can also use the food we eat to fight against aging. "

Here, Rick explains what you should eat to go back.


The Mediterranean diet is the best way to age well by choosing foods. It is well established that the cuisines of Spain, Italy, Greece and the South of France are good for us. It is thanks to the oils, the spices, the color and especially the variety that they offer.

It is not a question of clinging to "healthy eating". Indeed, the Mediterranean diet also contains red wine.

But a diet containing healthy oils, lean meat and an abundance of colorful fruits and vegetables has proven to be very good for the cardiovascular system. And when your heart is healthy, you are more mobile, which improves your fitness. The diet also contains healthy oils for healthy joints and nourishing nutrients that will keep the skin glowing.


We should eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables of different colors (Image: AlexRaths / Getty Images)


The main problem of the average British diet is that we do not eat enough colorful food.

Much of what we eat is beige. Croissants, sandwiches, takeaways, fast foods, junk food – they are hearty but nutrient-poor, processed and full of fat, salt and sugar.

And with so many offers, it has never been easier to eat bad.

Instead, we should eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables of different colors. These colors – vibrant reds, oranges, purples and greens – provide the phytonutrients that keep us healthy, such as antioxidants in blueberries or curcuminoids in turmeric.

The body uses phytonutrients to reduce inflammation, which is one of the main causes of aging. It is therefore essential to include as wide a variety as possible in your meals.


Weight is very important for health and aging.

In the United Kingdom, one in four adults is obese – and that number is increasing.

Research from the European Congress of Obesity revealed that in Britain alone, 40,000 premature deaths could be prevented if obesity was eliminated over the next decade.

A healthy and balanced diet will help you maintain your weight in a normal range. However, eating a rainbow can also help.

Colored foods, which tend to be herbal, are good sources of fiber. And when you eat more fiber, you stay full longer and less likely to eat more and gain weight.


The modern diet relies too much on meat. Although it is acceptable to include it in your diet, we have not been designed to be totally carnivorous.

From a physiological point of view, we should only eat meat a few times a week. But instead, many people eat it daily and that meat is often processed and full of fat and salt.

It's a generational thing. We taught our parents to eat meat because it was the most expensive thing of the plate.

This is good economic advice, but not good nutrition. If you replace half of the meat on your plate with a handful of green leafy vegetables, your skin will improve and your bowel will work better.

For more nutritional information, visit

me to

We should eat less meat (Image: ac_bnphotos / Getty Images)

Do not forget to feed your skin

Now that you know the right foods to keep you glowing from the inside, what about ingredients that will lessen dryness and wrinkles? Taking a silky cream for the skin can cost a dime – more than £ 300 for some luxury brands.

But there is no point in spending huge sums on lotions if they do not contain the right active ingredients to nourish and plump your complexion.

Here is what you need to keep your skin young:

RETINOL: This is the key ingredient, experts say. Derived from vitamin A, it contains anti-aging properties that can reverse the damage, smooth wrinkles and reduce dark areas.

VITAMINS C AND E: These nourishing skin rescuers are essential to protect your skin from stress and harmful environmental factors such as sunlight and pollution.

Peptides: Think of peptides as a network of effective communicators for your skin. These are small chains of amino acids that build proteins, the base of our body. When they are abundant, peptides create new collagen and elastin fibers to fight wrinkles.

CBD OIL: Cannabidiol (CBD), derived from the cannabis plant, is popular among those seeking relief from pain and epilepsy. Scientists at the University of Technology Sydney are currently testing its anti-aging properties with the Bod Australia medicinal marijuana company. Initial research suggests that CBD may have some antioxidant properties.

Wonderful ways to get up the clock – from head to toe

A clear and healthy complexion is the key to a young look.

  • Snack on nuts and seeds, which contain nourishing vitamin E as well as essential fatty acids to help hydrate and plump the skin.
  • Citrus fruits, peppers and berries are rich in vitamin C which promotes the production of collagen.
  • The avocado contains vitamin A for the overall health of the skin and essential fatty acids to improve hydration.
  • Sweet potatoes help immune function and increase vitamin A levels.


Good mobility will allow you to exercise and keep you looking and feeling youthful.

  • Ginger, garlic and turmeric have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Add them to curries, soups and casseroles.
  • Research has shown that oily fish such as mackerel and salmon reduce joint inflammation
  • Swap coffee for green tea, which stimulates collagen production and improves cartilage health.

green tea

Green tea stimulates collagen production, improving cartilage health (Image: kazoka30 / Getty Images)


Your heart keeps your whole body, so give it a hand.

  • The red onion is rich in quercetin, which stimulates blood flow. Cut it into salads and stir-fries.
  • Salmon and chia seeds provide healthy omega-protective fatty acids for the heart.
  • Asparagus is known to reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood that is linked to the onset of heart disease.
  • Legumes or fish Legumes such as lentils, beans and chickpeas contain a lot of fiber to keep cholesterol levels healthy.


The liver works hard behind the scenes to cleanse the body of damaging toxins that can cause aging.

  • Grapefruit reduces inflammation and speeds up the metabolism of fat, so have it with your breakfast.
  • Pour olive oil over the salads to improve liver enzyme health.
  • Studies show that oily fish, fish oil, coffee, nuts, tea, red wine, avocado and olive oil all help to reduce the foie gras.


Blueberries contain anthocyanins that protect the brain and help memory (Image: Massimo Rubino / EyeEm / Getty Images)


Keep your mind flat: can young, active and healthy is essential to age well.

  • Try a coffee with turmeric milk. The spice contains curcumin and curcuminoids to improve the overall health of the brain.
  • Blueberries are a nutritional center. They contain anthocyanins that protect the brain and help the memory.
  • Switch to whole grains, which contain B vitamins to boost concentration and concentration.


Shiny locks will help you look and feel better.

  • Organic eggs contain protein and biotin, which strengthen hair and enhance shine. Whole grains are also a good source of biotin.
  • Make sure to eat foods that are high in protein, such as legumes, that contribute to healthy and healthy hair.
  • Encourage growth by eating beets, facilitating circulation and providing essential iron.


Chickpeas contain zinc, which promotes good vision (Image: margouillatphotos / Getty Images)


A nutritious diet will keep your eyes bright and healthy.

  • Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce and kale are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that improve eye health.
  • Foods rich in beta carotene such as carrots, mangoes and apricots will help protect ZINC Tasty eyes and keep them healthy.
  • Chickpeas contain zinc, which promotes good vision.


A healthy bowel is good for the whole body and will boost overall energy levels.

  • Fermented foods help support your microbiome, the billions of friendly bacteria that live in the intestines. Look for miso (soy), tempeh (soy), kimchi (cabbage) and kefir (milk).
  • Bitter foods such as rocket, chicory and chicory make digestion easier.
  • Add supergreen chlorella and spirulina to the smoothies for safe bowel nutrition.


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