How to sync your Apple Watch with MyFitnessPal, Couch to 5K, Strava and Nike Training


With about a quarter of the global market, the Apple Watch is by far the most popular fitness watch. However, many of its users want to track their activity with third-party applications. If you are one of their numbers, do not worry – fortunately, the popularity of the watch means that many commonly used applications – such as MyFitnessPal, Couch to 5K, Strava and Nike Training – have streamlined this process.

Instead, install the application on your phone, make sure the Watch app has been installed, and adjust some settings. Here's how to sync these four apps on your Apple Watch.


Once you have downloaded the MyFitnessPal (MFP) application from Under Armor (available for iOS and Android) and set up your account, it is very easy to connect it to the Apple Health ecosystem and your Apple Watch.

  • Allow the MFP to follow your steps.
  • Switch the "Motion & Fitness" switch to On.
  • You will then see a long list of applications with which MFP can talk. Scroll down for "Health app." That's Apple. Tap on it.
  • The MFP then takes you to the Sources screen of the Health app, where you can choose what data you want the MFP to write and read in the Apple Health ecosystem. Most of this data does not come from tracking the movements, but tracking the food you make in the MFP. You can choose the data you want to share, keeping in mind that you can always edit them in the Health application's Sources screen.
  • MFP automatically installs an application on your Apple Watch, giving you quick access to the nutrient, water and calorie intake of your day, as well as the actions taken.

5K sofa

Zen Labs Couch to 5K (C25K) (available for iOS and Android) is an extremely popular application for novice and amateur runners. The free version does not include Apple Watch app, nor track calories and distance, but you can spend $ 5 for the Pro version.

  • Download the app to your phone and activate (or not) its privacy policy. The application then puts you in the settings screen of your iPhone, where you can choose the type of notifications you want to see. Once you're done, find the C25K app.
  • Allow C25K to use the motion processor of your iPhone. Slide your finger on some introductory screens, then tap "Start Running." At this point, you must give permission to know if and when to access the GPS of your phone.
  • Before you start, however, you must connect C25K to the Health application. Press "Pause" on the warm-up screen and press the hamburger button at the top left to display the settings menu. Scroll down and you will see a flip-flop for Apple Health. Turn on that.
  • C25K then shows you the screen that allows you to share your workouts with the Health app. Make your changes, press "Allow" and close the menu.
  • The Watch application can work autonomously. just switch the rocker. Press "Start" and you go for the races.


Strava is as close to a lingua franca as in fitness apps. Chances are great that if you share your fitness progress with other devices and other people, most of them use Strava as a tracking tool or transfer their data into Strava.

  1. Download the Strava app (available for iOS and Android).
  2. Create a Strava account. The application will prompt you immediately to start recording your activity, but instead of rushing to save, tap "Later" to be able to configure the application. You will have the opportunity to follow athletes, connect your Facebook account and synchronize your contacts, or simply switch to the screen.
  3. Then you will see the "Getting Started" screen, where you can connect your Apple Watch.
  4. Tap "Connect a GPS Watch or Computer" to display a long list of supported devices. Tap "Apple Watch".
  5. Go beyond an interstitial page, accept a code of conduct, and allow access to health data. Press "Finish".
  6. From Watch, you can start following a wide range of activities: outdoor races, bike rides, walks, indoor runs and walks, hiking, Nordic skiing and workouts. Press one, and the app will track (and show) elapsed time, speed, distance, and heart rate. Swipe left allows you to pause or end the workout and play with some relevant settings.

Nike Training Club

Apple and Nike have a long-standing relationship. So it's no surprise that Nike's interaction with the Apple Watch is fluid. Download the Nike Training Club app (available for iOS and Android), create an account, accept or decline the upsell and get started. Before doing so, however, you will have the option to configure your Apple Watch.

  1. Press "Start" and you will have the option to set up your watch.
  2. Tap the "Enable" button for Health and you'll be able to connect the NTC Watch app to Apple Health. (You can do this manually later in the Sources menu of the Health app, if you wish.)
  3. The Watch app is a second screen for the iPhone. it does not work independently. Launch the Watch app and we'll tell you it's time to train. The watch changes at the same time as the instructions displayed and spoken on your phone.

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