How to take more pictures of Spider-Man (in Marvel Spider-Man on PS4) – PlayStation.Blog


Is it already a year since Marvel's Spider-Man blew our heart? I am a long time fan of the old wall, so since Insomniac's acclaimed adventure, the first point launched on PS4, I passed beside me swinging across the city, putting an end to crimes, big and small … and stopping every five minutes to turn off my camera.

Even after I locked the Platinum Trophy of the game, I've used to come back from time to time, not only to let off steam quickly, but to work my photographic muscles with the beautiful Photo Insomniac mode. cooked in Marvel's Spider-Man.

I'm trying to keep three big ideas in mind when you're in the mindset of the Photo mode in any game, and they're also applicable here. Let's call them Lights, Camera, and action.

Photography is basically capturing light. As such, understanding the light and its impact on the subject is essential to capture a compelling picture.

If you've unlocked the ability to set the time of day at Harry's research stations, set your game on the night and make a quick jump into the city. Look for different light sources and approach each of them to see how they interact with Spidey. Some of my favorites are the glass skylights lit above some buildings, which can lead to dramatic shots of our hero.

Use these …

… to do this

I also love playing with the huge electronic billboards that you can find in the brightest parts of the city. Framing a jump at the right time or an attack in full flight to perfection can give a radiant silhouette of the web slinger. Setting the sunset time can also lead to beautiful silhouettes. In addition, the warm lighting of "golden hour" is beautiful.

Also experiment with the different color filters in your Photo Mode menu, but keep in mind that you can (and should often) decrease their intensity to match the photo you take. The Spider-Chrome filter lets you hide the details of a photo at full power, but reducing its intensity can provide the contrast effect needed to give your photo an extra kick.

Marvel's Spider-Man photo mode offers many menus, but the first one I turn to when I'm preparing a new photo is the field of view. This behaves in the same way as the optical zoom function of a real camera, which means two things:

  1. By setting it to 100, you will get an ultra wide angle shot. This will add an element of distortion to the edges of your image, which can give a particularly spectacular photo if you fit well.
  2. While going to the other side of the slider, you will get results similar to those of a super telephoto lens, thus compressing the elements of your image and allowing you to focus on specific details. This gives stunning portraits, especially given the considerable texture work that Insomniac has put into many Spidey costumes.

Then I usually set the aperture and focus distance of the photo. This mimics the behavior of the aperture setting on a real camera, which means that it allows you to adjust the focus level of a photo. Do you know this effect on a person's face, but the background is blurry? This is what depth of field is called and that's what we play when we adjust these sliders. It is tempting to do everything to erase the background of each photo, but do not get carried away. Sometimes it's helpful to keep some detail in the background to add some context to your photo.

Tilt your camera is another technique that can help you keep some elements in the frame or give a photo a sense of dynamism. Do not be afraid to play here. In addition, you can rotate the camera 90 degrees to frame your photo in portrait orientation, which can create nice screen backgrounds!

It is important to consider the altitude of your camera relative to your subject. In general, if you shoot at a low angle, the subject seems more powerful, but like everything that happens in photo mode (and in life!), Moderation is essential. Try taking the same picture with the camera at different heights and see how this affects the final shot.

Bonus tip: Watch Spidey's eyes as you test all these points. Because of their size and expressiveness, they may be subject to these adjustments. Play with the different emoticons when you use the selfie camera!

As photo mode blocks time, it's possible to capture vivid images if you frame things as they should. Experiment with all the movements of Spider-Man's repertoire – he has more to do than swing and hit. If you're really precise, you can even see the details of all his different gadgets as he pulls them to the enemy!

Keep playing with different movements to see what some look like when they are frozen; you will be surprised by the photos you can capture without wanting to. Web zips, point launches, various combat maneuvers, gadgets, and even just running to the wall can lead to amazingly dramatic images.

You may have noticed the repeated use of the word "experience" in this guide, and there is a good reason for that. I've provided some starting points here, but the best way to get Spider-Man photos is to go there and take them! The more you tinker with the toolbox provided by Insomniac, the more you will master its different powers – you can also develop your own tips.

To take this picture, I froze the camera while crawling along a building, just as I was passing in front of a wall-mounted light.

Finally, you can apply a nice set of frames and stickers to perfect your work. Do not be afraid to become weird, you could create the next cartoon cover!

I have shared a lot of my own photographs in the game on Twitter with the hashtags # SpiderManPS4 and # PS4share. If you decide to start the game to take pictures, I'd like you to do the same! Do you have your own Photo mode tips that you want to share? Drop them in the comments!


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