How to use all Super Mario Maker 2 bonuses – Guide



The large number of possibilities and combinations available to creators Super Mario Maker 2 is a bit staggering. The deluge of options including terrain, objects, enemies and gizmos can be disconcerting for new players, and there are probably some inherent properties to some elements that even veterans do not know about.

With this in mind, we have developed the following guide, which focuses solely on power-ups. These items enhance Mario (or the character you have chosen) in one way or another, giving them unique abilities and allowing them to negotiate the terrain and traps that old Mario could not handle without the pep of a power-up.

The list below, which ranges from the super mushroom common to the powerful clown car, gives an overview of the capabilities and / or limitations of each power-up. Our charming video producer, Alex, has covered this topic in a video (see below), but if you prefer to use the text rather than these "new talkies", or if you just want to check an individual power-up, this guide is for you. However, if you want to see some or all of these elements in action, be sure to watch the video.

And it's gone!

Super mushroom

You certainly know this one, but we can not leave it alone. The most basic focus, the Super Mushroom, allows you to take a hit, lets you break standard blocks and gives you a size two times larger than normal (from normal Mario to Super Mario). Your larger size means you can not access small holes, even if you can run and slide to slide under low blocks, so keep that in mind.

Moreover, in the Super Mario World Super Mushroom game style allows you to destroy normal blocks under your feet simply by pressing a Spin Jump shoulder button.

Fire flower

Eat Fire Flower ("Eat" – is that what Mario does with the matching plants and items he finds in boxes?) Allows you to shoot a fireball that bounces by pushing the button run. This fireball will dissipate at impact and destroy most enemies.

The fireball will also ignite the detonator of any umbel of Bob. However, Buzzy Beetles, Dry Bones and Munchers are not affected by the fireball caused by the death of the Fireflower (the Munchers, in particular, are stubborn opponents, although this makes it a very interesting element to integrate to your courses, because we'll see you later). The fire flower also allows you to take two shots.


Big Mushroom, which imaginatively calls you, makes you big by exploding Mario's sprite at the height of Super Mario while adding double the circumference. Overall, it looks like the huge Mario classic Amiibo released on the occasion of the plumber's 30th anniversary. Even if it is simply an enlarged version of his usual character, this murderer has it all.

Exclusive to Super Mario Bros. play style, it allows you to break spent '? blocks and hard blocks from above or from below just by jumping on them or taking them head.

The large mushroom also allows you to sustain two damage before losing a life.

Mushroom 1-Up

Really? Blimey, you are new in this business Mario. The 1-Up mushroom confers an extra lifespan (or "Mario") to the player. It has no other positive effect and is probably not even a bonus, but it looks like other mushrooms and an extra life is always an advantage, so we included it in a concern for understanding. You do not get an image, the mind.

Shoe Goomba (or Kuribo's shoe)

This green shoe is a particularly useful item. It contains a Goomba (or Kuribo in Japanese, hence the original name) which you will have to get rid of. Once released, you'll be able to jump through previously fatal items and enemies such as Thwomps, Munchers and Spikes. You can defeat Piranha's plants and lava bubbles as if they were Goombas just by jumping on them. Hitting any of the buttons on the shoulder suspended in the air allows you to jump off the shoe for extra height.

This is not everything, though. By manufacturing a giant Goomba shoe (you just have to slip a Super Mushroom into the editor to record it), you also get a powerful ground pound (knocking in the air) capable of destroying even a powerful Muncher!

Finally, you can also replace the pad with the stiletto (hold it down to select the alternative). This gives you the ability to destroy Blocks, Thwomps and even Bullet Bill Blasters with the Earth Pound, and you'll also be safe from Grinders (though you may still suffer side or top damage). Pleasant!

Super Star (or Starman)

Yes, another famous. The Super Star bonus, or Starman if you are old school, makes you invincible and deadly for all enemies except the most powerful. No, these sturdy Munchers will not be hurt if you touch them, but on the other hand, they can not hurt you either. This means that you can safely cross them all the time it takes to power up (and its melody to the touch).

As catchy as the music may be, do not let the Starman amaze you – this little guy will not make you insensible to death by a bottomless pit, so do not get carried away and pay attention to your gait.

DO-DO DO DO DO DO do-do do do do do

Super Leaf

Exclusive to Super Mario Bros. 3 style of play, the Super Leaf turns you into Mario Raccoon. This gives you the opportunity to slowly float down in flight (repeatedly press the jump button).

By pressing the Run button, you can rotate and hit the enemies next to you with your tail (also allowing you to destroy normal blocks and activate "?" Blocks). The Munchers are, of course, impervious to your deadly tail, but they can not fly, is not it! Well, unless you give them wings.

By playing the skin for a short while, Raccoon Mario can temporarily take flight, making it an extremely versatile power-up. You also get your two standard damage.

Cape feather

This variant of the Super Leaf is found in the game style Super Mario World and allows you, as the name suggests, to fly with a cloak. The descents are slow now just by holding the jump button (a little easier on the numbers) and although you take off in the same way as with the Super Leaf, it is possible to keep your flight indefinitely by timing with Precisely the blows left and right. on the left joystick or the D-pad to dive and go up several times. It takes a bit of practice, but once you've mastered flying with the cloak, the world (Super Mario) is your oyster.

In flight, following the direction in which you are heading to plunge a bomb into the ground will trigger a POW block-type shock wave that can even kill those pesky Munchers. Powerful little number, the Cape Feather.

Yoshi (Yoshi's egg)

Yoshi is a powerful companion with a variety of attributes. It can engulf most enemies or projectiles (even through the walls), and if they leave behind a shell, it is able to spit it out. He is also able to walk on Munchers, Thwomps, Spikes and others.

By mixing a Yoshi Egg with a Super Mushroom in the editor, you will get Red Yoshi. Instead of ingesting enemies with the help of his huge tongue, this dinosaur brand spits unlimited fireballs horizontally (with the same damaging properties as a fireball from a fireball). fire flower).

Yoshi is unresponsive to Grinders underfoot and taking a shot while riding will make the dinosaur run away, although you can take it if you are fast. You can also jump it in the air by pressing a shoulder button for more height. Thank you Yoshi! Sorry to hit you in the face all these times.

Mushroom Helix

Unique to New Super Mario Bros. U style of play, press a shoulder button with the Propeller Mushroom headgear makes you turn sharply upwards – very handy for quick ascents to higher platforms.

These blades on your head will destroy the normal blocks above you and if you hold this position, you will also be dragged into the normal blocks below. You descend to the ground more slowly than usual after also turning up.

The propeller mushroom provides both now standard damage. You know the forest now.

Super Bell

Unique to Super Mario 3D World Style of play, the Super Bell turns you into the adorable Cat Mario. In this hairy form, Mario can slide crates, normal blocks and "!" hangs by pressing the Run button.

Cat Mario can also run and snag on semi-solid platforms and resize normal walls (although you slide them after a while).

By pressing one of the shoulder buttons in flight, you find yourself plunged into a diagonal dive down in the direction you are facing and you get both standard shots before losing a life.

Helmet Shell (or "Shelmet")

Is it a power-up? Is it an accessory? Whatever the nomenclature, it is a small practical pickup that allows you to survive all sorts of nasty things that could cause a death dose.

You will find the Shell headset by holding a Buzzy Beetle and selecting the contextual option. You can get this on your head by jumping on it, as if it were falling from the top – the only way to wear it in the Super Mario Bros. style. where you can not hold seashells – or while pressing while holding the shell.

By wearing it, you will be insensitive to attacks and projectiles coming directly over your head. Lava Bubbles and Thwomps can not hurt you and you can even push them higher than their initial starting position. Munchers can also be pushed from the bottom, although they nibble you from underneath, if the opportunity arises.

Thorny helmet

This variant is also called the "Spiny Shelmet" (or "Spelmet" if you really want to compose your suitcases), and is accessible by maintaining a Spiny rather than a Buzzy Beetle.

It offers similar protection but with additional attack power. All the aforementioned enemies will succumb when they attack the thorny Shelmet. The latter can also be used to break hard blocks above you, although peak traps can not be destroyed with a bristling Shelmet.

You can not fight fire with fire, after all.

Dry bone shell

An alternative available when you hold a Dry Bones placed in your course, the Dry Bones Shell is a serious kit. Once you are there (jump straight or lift and hold), you are essentially insensitive to damage from below.

Yes, yes, how is this different from Goomba or Yoshi shoes? Oh, try to jump into the lava with one or the other and you will come across an instant fire end. Doing the same thing in a Dry Bones Shell Shell will turn the same scenario into a pleasure cruise in what is essentially an indestructible and bony boat.

This is only the beginning, though. The shell also protects you on the sides, and a stationary position will turn you into a bunch of (dry) bones that is totally invulnerable to any damage, as if you were not even on the screen . It also allows you to go through unhealthy grinders.

In addition to all this, it gives you an extra shot if you manage to get hit from above.

Koopa clown car

Technically an enemy, jumping into this flying machine gives you a complete 360 ​​° motion on the screen by simply pushing in the direction of your choice, although it descends gradually to the ground without any directional information. be careful when driving the clown car.

The enemies can be defeated by landing on the head thanks to the propeller located on the underside of the vehicle, although the clown car offers no side protection and do not you do extra damage, either.

Just when you thought all gave you an extra shot!

Fire clown car

The Fire Clown Car variant (keep the element of your course pressed to select this alternative) is essentially the same in terms of control, but in addition to its thorny paint job, it also allows you to create scrolling shmups horizontal in Super Mario Maker 2.

By pressing the walk button of the fire clowns car, you shoot a horizontal shot of the mouth of the clown car. We do not know if the vehicle is sensitive or not, but Mario has always had a weary to attitude towards the rights and privileges of the different beasts that occupy the kingdom of mushrooms, so why start worrying now? You ride in the brain cavity of a floating clown head.

Most importantly, holding the travel button down loads the shot and release releases an extremely powerful blast that destroys the hard blocks.

Lakitu Cloud

Another enemy, you can get it by one of the following two methods: Jump on the Lakitu by riding his fluffy cloud or simply hold a Lakitu placed in your course.

The cloud has a movement and dexterity very similar to clown cars (and also bypasses the existential abyss with a happy little face). However, the cloud is not affected by gravity and will remain in place without the need for directional help to maintain altitude.

However, it obviously lacks the explosive firepower of the Fire Clown car and it is only a temporary vehicle. Once it starts to blink, make sure you get secure before it disappears and heads towards the big cloud … in law in the sky. Otherwise known as "the sky".

Hmm, where are the dead clouds going?

Koopa Troopa Car

Exclusive to the Super Mario 3D World style of play, you'll have to hit the occupant Koopa Troppa on his head to steal his car, but once the driver's seat is vacant, you can mount and burn rubber.

The car moves automatically in the direction you are facing and you can defeat the majority of enemies by entering or jumping on the head. You can also use springs to bounce the car in the opposite direction without damaging the bodywork.

The car will also protect you against spades, but avoid getting stuck in the walls. This gives you three hits, but the third shot will unfortunately destroy the car completely.

Super Secret Spoiler-y Unlockable Power-Ups

Below, we have sequestered two unique bonuses only available through Story mode. If you do not worry about minor spoilers (you've probably seen them before), keep going. If, however, you are super determined to discover them for yourself, go in Story mode!

Still there? Of course, you are …

Spoiler Buffer from Waluigi


First, it's the Super hammer. Another unique element of the Super Mario 3D World style, the hammer cuts all types of blocks. He is also pretty deadly against enemies, doing a quick job of Thwomps and others.

Holding and pressing the power button allows you to summon up to five crates from scratch, which you can use to climb or create platforms to protect yourself from obstacles. pikes. Convenient! You can throw the crates and destroy them at will.

It's a pretty special power-up that opens the door to new types of level ideas, much like the last element of our power-up summary …


Finally, we have the Super Ball Flower. Exclusive to the Super Mario Bros. style, it is an alternative to the Fire Flower (hold a Fire Flower already in your path to select it). If you push it, Mario (or the chosen character) Game Boy Green will come back to Super Mario Land on Nintendo's first portable gaming console.

Although superficially similar to the Fire Flower, the Super Balls continue in one direction until they bounce off a surface or hit an enemy. They can also be used to collect parts of all kinds and to activate the P switches (although these are not on / off switches).

And, as you probably expect now, if you read all From the above, it protects you from two damage.

All this does not matter, however, because the Super Ball Flower is undoubtedly the the most beautiful activate this list under the theme of the Birabuto Kingdom that it plays while you manipulate it. Everyone is still shouting for objectivity – here it is! The Super Ball flower: objectively the best Mario power on in Super Mario Maker 2, and even in any Mario game. Yes.

If you have any questions about this in the comments below, please let us know and we will do our best to answer them. Plus, feel free to share your best course creations with the Nintendo Life community.


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