How to use Amazon Alexa to do the exercise


You can ask Alexa to start a workout.

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You can use your Amazon Echo or Alexa on your phone to train quickly wherever you are.

You do not need to turn on a TV, load an app or search to install a special skill. And there are hundreds of workout skills listed, ranging from basic workout and cardio to five minutes to interval training and tabata squats.

All you have to do is to know the command and Amazon will automatically install the skill and launch the guided exercise. They have been there for a while, I never really knew how to look for them or what they existed.

I've tried two simple solutions that encourage you to use them daily, and they are really simple to start:

"Alexa, begins the seven-minute workout."

Speaking this sentence launches a Pargee company skill that guides you through a quick workout. You can choose a low impact if you want something a little easier, or choose from standard and advanced workouts. There are 45 exercises in total.

While I was working, Alexa was asking me if I was ready to move on to the next exercise, which was fine if I needed to take a break. I could also choose to play catchy music if I wanted to. A "Seven Squad" option gives you more features, including training summaries for 80 cents a month, but I found that the free version was enough for me.

"Alexa, opens a five-minute workout."

As for the seven minute workout, you can simply talk about the sentence above to launch the application, created by the developer Stoked Skills, automatically. It's a cardio workout guided by a human voice, not Alexa, which I found a little more appealing than the seven-minute workout.

You will start with puppets to measure your heart rate and you will continue with different exercises, including crunches and leg lifts. I like the fact that it focuses on the form, telling you to keep your shoulders peeled off during crunches, for example. If you like this one, try saying "Alexa, try 5-minute push-ups," which will work your arms and your heart.

That's all we can say about it. If you want to see other skills and commands that you can use, follow these steps:

  • Open the Alexa app on your phone.
  • Press the menu button at the top left.
  • Choose "Skills & Games"
  • Look for "exercise".
  • Find a skill and just talk to Alexa first.


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