How to use X-Ray in Minecraft without mods


For Minecraft players trying to search for locations such as structures or Portal End rooms, running underground can be an exhaustive effort, but there are ways to speed up that search through the use of ray issues. X.

While there are many x-ray vision mods available online, they are not technically necessary in certain situations, as players can also modify the existing Minecraft engine in the vanilla version of the game to see through walls. and soils.

There are different ways to glitch Minecraft and get partial x-ray vision on different game platforms such as Java Edition or Bedrock Edition.

Minecraft: Different methods of x-ray vision

While there are many ways to get x-ray vision, the end result remains the same (Image via Mojang).
While there are many ways to get x-ray vision, the end result remains the same (Image via Mojang).

According to how Minecraft works, block surfaces are rendered when there are blocks considered transparent between them and the player. As the player views their character model, the camera has the ability to cut through blocks considered transparent in order to provide a view of the game environment.

When a player is suffocating, that’s why their vision is blocked, because the block a player is in is not transparent to the camera. With that in mind, it is possible to maneuver the character and the camera to see through these transparent blocks.

The easiest way to get this x-ray vision in Minecraft is to use the third person camera in a tunnel 2 blocks high and 1 block wide.

Many players already use these types of tunnels for mining, but by switching to third person view and moving the camera outside the tunnel boundaries, players can see caves, structures, or other objects. near the tunnel. However, this view is somewhat limited.

There are many options outside of the third person camera method, and some can be found below:

Minecraft: Java Edition

  • Using sand, gravel, or concrete powder and a composter is a cost effective method of getting x-ray vision. By digging a 3-block deep hole, players can place a composter at the bottom of the hole, then jump inside. Then, the simple act of placing the sand / gravel / concrete powder block on top of them should provide a solid x-ray view of the surrounding area.
  • Players can also use a plunger block to push their head down into a visible x-ray area. This can be done with a plunger, composter, lever, and two complete blocks of any type. Players will want to dig a one-block deep hole, place the composter inside, then build a 2-block wall on either side of the hole. Then place a switch and activate it on the top block of one of the walls. Jump inside the composter and place the plunger above your head. This will automatically activate the piston due to lever activation and push the player’s vision beyond the visible block layer.

Minecraft: Bedrock Edition

  • Using the falling snow, Minecraft players can also achieve x-ray vision. This will require a piece of sand, gravel or other block affected by gravity as well as four pieces of top snow and a significant number of slabs. (more tiles, more vision in this case). To start, players need to dig a one-block deep hole and surround it with slabs. Then place a solid block over the hole that leaves enough room for the player to walk underneath. Place sand / etc. block at the top of this block, pile the snow on the sand and jump into the hole. Sneak in, then destroy the top block, the falling block affected by gravity should fall with the snow and provide solid vision.
  • For players interested in seeing through lava in the Nether, placing chains sideways can also provide x-ray vision. This can be done with as many chains as needed to see through a sea of ​​lava.

X-ray vision is incredibly useful for finding structures and other vital items, so it’s worth a try if Minecraft players don’t feel ready to install a new mod or add-on. Try it out the next time you play, you might be surprised at how many you find.

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