How to Win an NFL Job Interview in 3 Hours, by Matt LaFleur of Packers


GREEN BAY, Wisconsin – One day, Mark Murphy might consider writing a book – a handbook.

The President and CEO of Green Bay Packers could even have an interim title:

How to hire an NFL head coach in three hours or less.

That is, unless Matt LaFleur, his first recruiter as head coach, explodes bombs.

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In this case, he might consider taking more time to become better acquainted with the candidates if he has to perform another search.

Murphy introduced LaFleur on January 8th after a quick weekend of interviews. Several of the 10 candidates – including LaFleur – thought the Packers would limit the field to a few finalists, according to sources close to more than one of the respondents. After Murphy, General Manager Brian Gutekunst and Executive Vice President / Director of Football Operations Russ Ball concluded the last of these interviews with LaFleur in Nashville, Tennessee. Murphy then made his decision before the wheels of their private jet landed in Green Bay. Austin Straubel International Airport.

When the 39-year-old LaFleur will lead the Packers out of the Soldier Field visitors' tunnel for the NFL presentation game on Thursday – the kickoff of the league's 100th season – he will become the most Young Packers head coach since Curly Lambeau.

To understand how this happened, ESPN spoke with him and the people involved in his interview.

Russ Ball: The timekeeper

One of Ball's tasks was to ensure that the Packers could integrate all the interviews on the tight schedule that forced them to travel from New England (where they interviewed Patriot coordinators Brian Flores and Josh McDaniels) to New Orleans (Saints offensive coordinator Pete Carmichael and assistant head coach Dan Campbell) in Florida (for former Dolphins coach Adam Gase and former offensive coordinator of the Buccaneers , Todd Monken) in Nashville for LaFleur (then offensive coordinator of the Titans). The Packers also interviewed Jim Caldwell, Chuck Pagano and Packers Acting Coach Joe Philbin a few days and weeks after Mike McCarthy was fired on December 2nd.

When LaFleur entered their room at the Nashville Airport Marriott, his three-hour window began.

After his interview with the Packers, Matt LaFleur had a positive feeling. He told his wife that he thought he had "rocked this thing a bit". Quinn Harris / Getty Images

"I was the timekeeper," Ball said, whose main responsibility was negotiating contracts and managing salary caps.

"I started timing, then we had sections, we would go through a section and take a break."

For LaFleur, three hours seemed to be 30 minutes.

"I do not even remember [how long it went]. It was going so fast, "he said. It was a conversation. It was comfortable. "

Brian Gutekunst: background check

Murphy had never met LaFleur before the interview. He recalled at least one brief telephone conversation prior to their meeting in Nashville. Gutekunst said that he thought he had spoken on the phone to LaFleur twice before the interview.

The team worked for hours before the interviews. Gutekunst, the only Packer group to have Scouting experience, is largely responsible for this.

In the first ten years that Murphy held as president of the Packers, his only major influence on football was to engage the general manager. This changed in January 2018, when he replaced Ted Thompson as General Manager and hired Gutekunst. From that moment, Murphy would not only supervise the GM but also engage and dismiss the coach.

Gutekunst was the first to identify LaFleur as a candidate. Although he does not know exactly when he started thinking about LaFleur in this regard, he thinks it was in 2016, when the Packers faced the Falcons twice – once in the regular season and another time in the NFC championship game. LaFleur coached the Falcons quarter under the offensive coordination of coordinators Kyle Shanahan and head coach Dan Quinn, and the Falcons had a total of 77 points in two games against the Packers this season.

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"The offensive of these guys is something that, for me, was back then:" OK, it's hard for our people, "said Gutekunst." Of course, they also had a very good staff but what they do makes life difficult for the defense, so I think I started to become aware of it and I was more aware of what was going on between them. "

Gutekunst subsequently listed LaFleur on its list of just cases.

"As you start phoning to ask for information about different people -" Who are you impressed? "- Everything came back very positive," said Gutekunst. "So you start digging more and more, and you realize that you have a very good candidate, and you're excited to talk to him with others." He had the chance to meet people I'm close to . "

Gutekunst has not revealed his views, but the Titans' general manager, Jon Robinson, is one of his closest friends to the league.

"These recommendations have been very important," said Gutekunst. "So I had the chance to meet him, and that's where everything comes together – all the substantive work you've done – then you sit in front of them for three or four hours and listen to his philosophy. .. start to see the vision that I have, [and] we were aligned on a lot of that. Mark made the decision and he had to deal with it. "

Mark Murphy: Decision-maker

Murphy brought with him a list of standardized questions at each interview, just to give us a starting point. The conversations inevitably started from there, but he wanted to know some things about each candidate.

"Your staff, practice philosophy, preseason, everything," said Murphy. "And that's good, especially when you do it in a short amount of time because you can compare and contrast."

Packers President Mark Murphy, left, said it was clear that LaFleur is a "good person" and [he] well communicated and I think we all felt really comfortable. " Morry Gash / AP Photo

He also wanted to let Gutekunst and Ball play their part.

"Obviously, they had their domains, so they were able to ask questions," Murphy said. "I wanted to make sure it was something we were all interested in. We wanted to hire the best coach, which was crucial for the organization."

"You want to get to know the person, and there are certain things, obviously, as a head coach that you want to know.But it is also clear that he was just a good person and that he was a good person. he communicated well, and I think we all felt really comfortable. "

Matt LaFleur: the winner

A year earlier, LaFleur had an interview for the Titans head coach position (before he became their offensive coordinator). Like anyone who has been interviewed for a job, he himself has confessed.

"I'm pretty tough with myself," LaFleur said. "I've already interviewed for other jobs, and you have a good idea of ​​how this has unfolded based on how you feel after that." I usually fight . "

Not this time.

When his wife, Bre, called to find out how that had happened, he surprised her.

"I said:" I think it went well, "and she was shocked to hear me say that," LaFleur said. "I was like:" You know what? "I think I've definitely shaken that thing up a bit."

LaFleur did not know, Murphy had made his decision.

To hear Murphy say that when Ball and Gutekunst boarded their private jet to Green Bay, they agreed that LaFleur was their guy.

"It's good when you do them in a short time because you can compare and contrast," said Murphy about the weekend of interviews. "Matt's interview seemed to go very fast .It was very natural.We were very comfortable with him.Usually, the last person has an advantage because is a lasting memory.When we concluded, I think we were all like "It was really good, but let's make sure it's not because it was the last."

Back in Nashville, LaFleur thought that this would only be part of the process.

"I thought I should come here and meet more people," LaFleur said.

This turned out to be useless.

"I think there could be a benefit to a second interview," Ball said. "I do not know if that's a requirement."

But before Murphy offered the job to LaFleur, he had a quarter Aaron Rodgers called him, which indicated to LaFleur that he was the guy.

Later in the day, Murphy offered work to LaFleur.

"One of the questions was whether we still did not think we had interviewed the right candidate or if we could have brought people back for a second interview, but I think we just emphasized Matt enough so we could find the right person. Let's go ahead of it, "Murphy said.

LaFleur's plan

When Murphy introduced LaFleur on January 8, somewhere in his almost 14-minute monologue, the Packers president said that after the first nine interviews, "Honestly, no one stood out."

At this point, Flores might have been in the lead, said a source, but given the importance Rodgers has for the success of the Packers and the hiring of Mike Pettine as the defensive coordinator in 2018 – a interview that lasted more than eight hours – – an offensive – minded head coach always seemed more likely.

When Murphy's words were heard, they are not satisfied, sources close to several candidates said.

Murphy now says that he was not trying to belittle the first nine.

"It's more a tribute to Matt than he's stood out," Murphy said.

Nearly nine months later, while LaFleur was about to lead his first match, the people involved in the interview process said they saw a lot of what they had seen this afternoon. noon in Nashville.

"I see a self-confidence that was in the interview," Ball said. "It's not an arrogance, but it's a quiet confidence that he has a plan."

The day he introduced LaFleur, Murphy called him "the most prepared candidate."

to play


Marcus Spears thinks it was a mistake for the Packers to sit down Aaron Rodgers during the pre-season because Matt LaFleur and Rodgers have to work on their communication.

"And you probably have already seen it, the time it has passed, I think it's obvious," Murphy said. "I also think about his communication skills, seeing him, especially with the team and the players, I think it's becoming more and more natural with the media."

LaFleur looked nervous and seemed nervous at his introductory press conference, something that Murphy admitted he also noticed.

But those who work daily with LaFleur daily said that it quickly disappeared.

"The two things that came out of all this are, one, his work ethic – that's a mill." And second, his ability to communicate with people – the players, his coaches, his staff, people throughout the building "says Gutekunst. "It's a flawless communicator." The two things really stood out .This is Matt's first time coaching, but his ability to stand in front of our team and hold them accountable and define their expectations was impressive. "


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