Howard Stern defends Jimmy Fallon for Trump's battle hair


At the height of the 2016 election, comedian Jimmy Fallon once chose to be a late-night host instead of being a partisan spokesperson by ensuring that the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump participates on his show for some jokes. A hilarious piece, in which he bristled Trump's notorious hair, angered the leftists, supposedly to make the candidate more accessible. The shock shock, Howard Stern, said that Fallon's hatred at the time was simply absurd.

According to The Hollywood Reporter (THR), Stern appeared Wednesday in "The Tonight Show" to promote his new book, "Howard Comes Again", where he told Jimmy Fallon that Donald Trump's tousled hair was fun and appropriate.

"I really believe you are such a great talent, I write about it in the book," he told Fallon. "I do not know if you want me to talk about that or what, but I'm talking about Jimmy, Jimmy was very distraught when you had Donald Trump and you had this whole incident where you rubbed your head."

"I had said to Jimmy:" It's absolutely absurd that anyone embarks on a trip, I would do the same thing, "Stern said. "Everyone was curious to know what was going on in that bird's nest, and you wanted to sit down and see.I found the piece fantastic.I think people have tried to blame you or say: & Hey, Jimmy elected Donald Trump, or that. "

Howard said that he had told Fallon that the reaction back would faint and that she would eventually fail. That being said, Fallon ended up giving in to the crowd when he presented his own apology for making someone crazy.

"I did not do it to" normalize "him or to say that I believed in his political convictions, said Fallon to Scott Feinberg of THR in 2018, adding that the reaction" has become even bigger and uncontrollable " .

"I've seen other comedians from other series make fun of me on Twitter, and I thought to myself:" OK, now I'm going to eclipse it, "he said. Fallon. "They know the show, I only do five hours a week, I come home at 10 am, I work until seven in the evening, and I just try to do a funny show." I'm sorry do not want to put someone angry – i will never do it and i will never do it.All is in the fun of the show.I have made a mistake.I'm sorry if I've made someone crazy, differently. "

President Trump rebuked the late-night host for explaining his apology, claiming that Jimmy Fallon had actually praised his notes. The president tweeted: "@ jimmyfallon now moans at all that he did the famous" hair show "with me (where he seriously messed me up), and that he l? would have done differently because it is said that he "humanized" "me-he takes heat." He called and said "monster evaluations." Be a Jimmy man! "

Speaking to THR earlier this week, Stern said he personally enjoyed President Trump, but not politically.


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