Howard Stern says that he could be "a Supreme Court judge now" when he had kept the friendship with Trump


RAdio shock jock, Howard Stern, said he would have been a Supreme Court justice when he remained friends with President Trump.

Back discussed in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter his frequent meetings with Trump prior to the 2016 presidential election, but he said that he had not spoken to him since polling day, besides a brief phone call to congratulate him on his victory.

"It was a difficult thing because a part of me really loves Donald, but I just do not agree politically," Stern said. "A more interested person would have appealed to Donald because I would probably be the FCC Commissioner or a Supreme Court Judge now."

Stern, 65, who helped Trump participate in his show during the campaign, said he tried to get him out of the race. When Stern declined Trump's invitation to speak at the Republican National Convention, their relationship ended.

In an interview last year, Stern said that Trump should " get the f — outFrom the office and handing over to Vice President Mike Pence.

Trump's talks with Stern, in which he expressed his support for the war in Iraq, made vile sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka and wondered if he could have slept. Princess Diana was constantly in trouble at the head of her campaign in 2016.


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