Huawei is preparing "alternative chips" to deal with the US ban


Huawei is preparing "alternative chips" to deal with the US ban

War generals plan the worst. And the head of Huawei's chip unit has established his battle plan, according to a recently leaked document.

Chip unit CEO He Tingbo said Huawei had predicted years ago that the US government could "scrap" the company and cut off channels to acquire chip technology in the United States. United.

And indeed, this fear has become a reality.

The US Commerce Department announced on Wednesday that it was putting Huawei on a blacklist that could prohibit it from doing business with its US suppliers. L & # 39; Company responded that he will immediately pursue his "remedies and find a solution" if his activities are prohibited in the United States.

This decision could notably disrupt Huawei's chip production, which is heavily dependent on US components. Therefore, the chips unit, called HiSilicon, has developed "alternative chips" for such a scenario – although it did not expect the situation to happen, reveals the letter .

When the United States took the "foolish" decision to put Huawei on the blacklist "without evidence" and that "history has made the choice" to put all the alternative chips reserved for formal use "in one night, "says the letter.

Meanwhile, Huawei's smartphone business is progressing. He unveiled his 5G Mate 20 X smartphone in London on Thursday, the Xinhua News Agency announced. reported. The Mate 20 X uses the Balong 5000 chip, which was released in January before Huawei turned to the use of "alternative chips".

Related: China opposes the "unilateral" action of the United States against Huawei


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