Huawei is ready to immediately add Google services and applications to the Mate 30 line if the ban ends.


For the first time since being listed on the US Department of Commerce Entity List on May 16th, Huawei has unveiled a new flagship series. Since listing prevents the Chinese manufacturer from accessing its US supply chain, the company can not install Google's main Android apps, such as Play Store, YouTube, Maps, and Chrome, on the line. Mate 30. Huawei's EMUI 10, preloaded on its new flagship products, is based on the Open Source version of AOSP from Android.
According to the Android Authority, Richard Yu, head of Huawei's consumer group, pointed out that Huawei is ready to act when it is removed from the list and that it is again allowed to buy components and software from US companies. In this scenario, it will be able to deliver a software update to add Google services and applications "overnight." But if Huawei was on the list for security reasons, as President Donald Trump mentioned in May, how could Yu even think that Huawei could access its US supply chain? Indeed, Trump also hinted that Huawei could be used as a currency to help the United States obtain better terms from China under a trade agreement. And Yu thinks that's the real reason why Huawei was banned from the US supply chain and spent $ 11 billion last year.

Huawei hopes to ship 20 million phones belonging to the Mate 30 series

The trade war between the United States and China took place because of China's huge trade surplus with the United States. In an attempt to reduce the deficit, the president imposed tariffs on imports from China. but tariffs are just taxes on imports and China does not pay a dime in the United States because of them. US companies pay the tax and if they wish, they can pass on the additional cost to US consumers in the form of higher prices. So yes, it is American businesses and consumers who are paying for this trade war. As of this month, 25% tariffs were imposed on a new group of products from China, including the Apple Watch and AirPods. And from December 15, the iPhone will be taxed. Indeed, Apple products, although designed in California, are mainly made in China.

It is therefore possible that if the two countries reach a new trade agreement, Huawei could be removed from the list of entities. But we must remember that society is considered a threat to national security in the states. Indeed, the Chinese Communist government can appeal to Huawei for spying on his behalf at any time. Some believe that Huawei's devices contain a backdoor allowing to send information to Beijing at the request of the Chinese President Xi Jinping's administration.

Despite Google's lack of services and applications, Mr. Yu said the company hoped to ship up to 20 million Mate 30 phones, mainly to domestic buyers. Huawei was counting on the Mate 30 series, and more specifically on the Mate 30 Pro, to help it become Samsung's first smartphone maker in the fourth quarter of this year. At present, this goal seems to be a failure for this year.

Originally, Huawei hoped to ship 300 million phones in 2019, compared with 206 million in 2018. In the first half of this year, the company has delivered 118 million handsets. In China, a wave of patriotism has led some consumers to deposit their iPhone and buy instead Huawei handsets. For example, in the second quarter, Huawei delivered 37.3 million phones, more than double the volume delivered by Oppo, which ranks second. This was a sharp increase of 31% year-on-year for Huawei.


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