Huawei Mate 20 reaches $ 10 million sold as the company sues the US government



Andrew Hoyle / CNET

The latest Huawei-branded titles do not bring good news. Monday night, however, Yu Chengdong, Huawei's mobile boss, had something to tell.

Huawei Companion 20, the famous phone with three rear cameras and an on-screen fingerprint sensor, was shipped to 10 million units after four and a half months of marketing, said Yu. He made this announcement on Weibo, a Chinese social media platform.

Despite the near absence of presence in the United States, Huawei is a major global player in phones. The company has sold more than 200 million phones in 2018, according to Canalys, and its goal is to create quality flagship products. The lines Mate 20 and P20 impressed us.

However, society is increasingly stuck in a stalemate with the US government. It all began early last year when the US government, for fear of national security, prompted AT & T and Verizon to backtrack new offers that would have seen them wearing Huawei phones.

Last December, Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's CFO and daughter of Huawei co-founder Ren Zhengfei, detained in Canada by order of the US Department of Justice. Meng is accused of defrauding various financial institutions for the purpose of secretly violating US sanctions against companies doing business in Iran.

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A similar activity of ZTE, another Chinese telephony and telecommunications company, led to a bill banning the US government and its subcontractors to purchase certain telecommunication and video surveillance equipment from ZTE, Huawei and other Chinese companies.

Phones, tablets and other consumer devices account for only half of Huawei's business. It is also a telecommunications company, and some Western governments, including the United States, are concerned that the company may install or create back doors in the infrastructure it builds in foreign countries. There is concern that the Chinese government is using these backdoors in a negative way.

The situation worsened considerably last Wednesday when Huawei announced a lawsuit against the US government for the prohibition of the aforementioned equipment. In other words, do not expect the Mate 20 to be sold soon through major US retailers.


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