Huawei P30 Pro vs Galaxy S10 + vs. iPhone XS: Comparison of Blind Cameras


Which phone takes the best photos?

The answer is … well, why do not you tell us which one you prefer?

And since it's so easy to get caught by brands and favorites and to pick a particular name rather than the photo, it's time to make another blind comparison.

This time we have the new Huawei P30 Pro as the star of the show and we will compare it to the Samsung Galaxy S10 + and the iPhone XS of Apple. For this particular comparison, we will focus on the day shots, but you can take a closer look at our Huawei P30 Pro night camera comparison here. In addition, all the shots below have been captured using the main cameras of these phones, simply because the Galaxy and the iPhone are equipped with a 2 times telephoto camera, while the Mate 20 Pro is equipped with a camera with 5X periscope and that it is difficult to perform a direct plug-a comparison of cameras for these very different cameras. Nevertheless, we also think that most of the pictures we take on our phones always end up using the main camera. So, let's keep that in mind, let's start this blind camera comparison, shall we?

Scene 1: Tulips

Vote for your favorite photo in the poll below. We removed all the metadata and randomized the images for each scene. So you never see the same phones in the same order. The results will be announced in a few days!


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