Huawei's boss is ready to license 5G technology to mitigate his fear of espionage


Ren went on to say that the license would give the purchaser the freedom to modify Huawei's source code, in order to resolve any potential espionage problem. Huawei's Potential Cybersecurity Threat to Western Countries is a Contentious Issue at Five Eyes, an Information Sharing Alliance of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States . While Australia, New Zealand, and the United States have banned their respective domestic carriers from buying 5G equipment in Huawei, Canada and the United Kingdom have not. have not done the same yet. Under this hypothetical agreement, Huawei would retain all of its existing carrier contracts and continue to develop new 5G technologies, while working to secure new sales contracts. For the most part, the company wants to reset the playground and go from there.

However, as L & # 39; economist note, it's hard to say if the plan is likely to work. First, it is unclear whether the Chinese government would allow Huawei to sell some of its most valuable assets to a foreign company. In the same way, it is not certain that a company could buy Huawei's 5G patents.

Above all, even if Huawei supported a Western rival, it is unlikely that this puts the company in the good accounts of the US government. In the current state of affairs, Democrats and Republicans agree on few points, but are wary of Huawei. In July, a bipartisan group of House and Senators representatives decided to prevent the Trump administration from preventing Huawei from removing the list of Commerce Department entities.


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