HUD claims that the proposed limitation of social housing assistance could displace 55,000 children


For months, Stephen Miller, one of President Trump's top advisors, has pushed the administration to adopt regulations that would penalize legal immigrants who depend on public benefits as part of a larger effort to limit the number of immigrants. immigrants living in the country. One of these regulations would state that an immigrant who uses social assistance benefits is considered a "public office", which renders him ineligible for permanent status.

Mr. Miller, with the help of the White House, sent the new settlement to HUD officials this year; Mr. Carson was not happy with the changes and he asked how they would be applied but had no objection, according to two people close to the situation who spoke under the guise of the company. ;anonymity.

The regulations were closely monitored by officials of the legal division of the department for several weeks, without being shared with those of the public housing division, who were alarmed by a policy that many would consider both immoral and unenforceable, according to a high responsible for the department direct knowledge of their complaints.

Career department officials have insisted that a provision authorizing a renewable six-month extension for tenants threatened with eviction. They also argued that the new policy could cost millions of dollars to rent already in trouble, as undocumented immigrants – who do not want the oversight that missing payments would invite – are often among the most reliable tenants, said the senior manager.

A spokesman for HUD did not respond to requests for comments on Friday.

Replacing households with mixed immigration status by households composed only of eligible residents would require the agency to provide full grants for each resident, costing HUD at least $ 193 million, revealed the agency. analysis, and legal experts have stated that the proposal would only exacerbate homelessness.

The analysis revealed that rather than the Congress allocates the funds, it is more likely that the HUD reallocates resources to pay the grants. This could affect the number of households on the waiting list who benefit from social housing or the quality of their housing.

"As a portion of the budget is reallocated to cover the increase in the subsidy, there may be fewer households served under the choice of housing voucher program. whereas for social housing, this would have an impact on the quality of the service ", according to the analysis," for example, the maintenance of the units and possibly the deterioration of the units which can cause a vacancy. "


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