Humankind will launch directly into Xbox Game Pass on PC •


Amplitude’s highly anticipated Humankind will launch in Xbox Game Pass on PC next week.

The 4X strategy game will finally be released on Tuesday, August 17, after several delays. It was originally planned for 2020.

However, all of this extra work seems to be paying off. We’ve played quite a bit of Humankind now, and Eurogamer strategy buff Chris Tapsell believes he has “that special something” in both his mechanics and his ambition.

“It’s a game called Humankind, after all,” Chris wrote. “It’s a game about the story of life, the story of everything. What matters most is whether or not it looks like this, and so far it really is. the case.”

Last month, Amplitude announced that it would be removing the controversial Denuvo DRM from Humankind ahead of launch, based on data from the game’s closed beta and fan feedback.

“We have been working on this game for over four years now and personally it has been my dream project for 25 years,” said Romain de Waubert, CEO of Amplitude. “That being said, our priority is always the best possible experience for the players who buy our games and support us. Denuvo should never have an impact on player performance, and we don’t want to sacrifice quality for you guys. . “

So, Xbox Game Pass for PC owners, how about giving it a spin?


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