Humans will sound like whales for future AI


WHALE HELLO THERE. Elon Musk thinks you are talking like a total backtrack.

You understand, not specifically, but humans in general – or future generations of artificial intelligence end up being deeply frustrated by listening to the low bandwidth with which we transmit data from our fleshy blowers.

"For a computer … a millisecond is an eternity, but for us it's nothing," said Musk during a streaming conversation with fellow billionaire Jack Ma at the World AI conference in Shanghai . "The human speech on a computer will look like a very slow wheeze, a bit like whales, because we have enough bandwidth – a few hundred bits per second, maybe a few kilobits per second if you want to be generous?"

Ah, that's why Alexa sometimes fails to understand the most common queries.

If you are compared to a whale and you feel blue, then you might want to turn the page to close the window, because an even less flattering analogy is just around the corner.

"The computer will just get impatient, if nothing else," continued Musk. "It will be like talking to a tree – they are humans."

Yes, it was a strange debate, as shown in the clip below:

Unsurprisingly for a man who sees the IA more dangerous than the nuclear weaponMusk was generally a little behind on the AI, which gave Ma, the executive chairman of Alibaba, the feeling of being a sunny optimist in comparison. "I do not think AI is a threat," he said. "I do not think the AI ​​is anything terrible."

"I do not know, man, it's like the last famous words," Musk replied, adding that the speed of technological progress "exceeds our ability to understand it."

You can watch the whole discussion here if you really want to, but it is probably better to consider that it finally answers the question of event planners: "Should we pay a moderator for this panel? Yes, you do it absolutely. μ


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