Hunter Biden Secret Art Sale


As Hunter, President Biden’s son, prepares for an art exhibit this fall that could include selling his paintings for prices of up to $ 500,000, the White House is reportedly working with his lawyer on a strategy to avoid ethical compromises. Here it is: Keep it a secret. Yes, for real, that’s the plan.

The New York gallery organizing the sale, according to media reports, will refuse “suspicious” offers, including those exceeding the list price. The names of buyers and bidders will be kept confidential, even from Hunter. As the paintings sell out, apparently hundreds of thousands of dollars will simply appear in his bank account, and neither he nor the public will know where it came from.

You do not feel reassured? Sources in the art world say the float prices – from $ 75,000 to $ 500,000, depending on the piece – are seriously high, especially for an unknown painter making a first sale. The question, then, is who could quietly try to funnel money to President Biden’s son.

Selling art is a bad idea, period. But at least transparency would allow offers to be examined in real time, preferably before a sale is final. Instead, the White House offers opacity, even as its press officers brag that President Biden “has set the highest ethical standards for any administration in American history.”

Will the promised confidentiality be respected? Whispers about who bought what are inevitable. A Russian oligarch could ask an attorney to buy a $ 500,000 painting in an attempt to release information to damage President Biden’s credibility. Why take this risk?


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