Hurricane Dorian downgraded to a Category 3 storm continues its assault on the Bahamas


Hurricane Dorian, the unpredictable monster of a storm that has hit parts of the Bahamas for 24 hours, has been downgraded to a Category 3 storm because it remains motionless near Grand Bahama.

"Like you're stuck in a nightmare"

The National Hurricane Center said in a press release at 1 am, that the storm was still producing wind gusts of up to 155 mph and an 18-foot storm surge. The current movement of the storm is considered stationary.


The Bahamian prime minister, Hubert Minnis, said that at least five people had been killed and dozens more injured. The storm has continued to hit the islands, so it is difficult to determine the extent of the damage, which will probably be historic.

In the Bahamas, officials have reported more than 2,000 distress messages, including a 5-month-old baby stuck on a roof.

Dorian unleashed massive flooding across the Bahamas on Monday, hitting the wind and water islands so that the authorities urged the population to find flotation devices and grab the hammers to free themselves if necessary.

Residents of Florida have been trying to keep up with the slow storm that is about 100 miles off West Palm Beach. According to the Miami Herald, there are signs that the storm will turn north.


Derek Giardino of the National Meteorological Service said the odds that Dorian strikes directly at the state's landing have decreased, but "is not completely ruled out".


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