Hymn players on Reddit declare that the game is "dead"


From game design to output, BioWare Anthem has been a mess every step of the way. While behind the scenes, BioWare was in ruins, on the surface, things did not look so bad in 2019. The Looter shooter was by far one of the most anticipated games of the year, this which may have made it even more difficult to swallow his state of disproportionate depression. . Critically, the game was poorly received and the player base it collected quickly evaporated due to a lack of content and a long list of technical and design issues. Unfortunately, a few months later, the situation has not improved much.

At the end of April, Forbes published an article pointing out that the dwindling gambling base of the game was starting to create relationship problems. But a decreasing player base is not Anthem only problem. At launch, many problems persist and have a negative impact on the game today.

Recently, the game's under-reddit page officially declared that the BioWare Looter shooter was dead. The message explains why, but perhaps most telling is the speed with which it reached the top with nearly 8,000 votes, which is a lot for the Reddit page. And in the absence of a clear roadmap set by BioWare, it's hard to see how this feeling will change in the hardcore gamers of the game.

Of course, the Reddit page of the game does not speak for everyone, far from it. But it's a great sample, made up of the hardcore gamers in the game, who, whether we like it or not, need to keep the content at the heart of the community and the game's prosperity.

Whether you agree with the fact that the game is dead, one thing is obvious: it's out of place. The question is this: Can BioWare save what it took six years to build or is it too late? Let me know in the comments section or on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_.

Anthem is available for PS4, Xbox One and PC. At the time of publication, no additional ports have been announced. For more information, media and information on the game, make sure to view all our previous and complete title covers by clicking here.


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