I do not wake up worried about Kanye West's tweets


Kanye West at an event announcing a partnership with Adidas on June 28, 2016 in Hollywood, California.

Getty Images

The boss of Adidas does not worry about Kanye West's political anxieties.

Kasper Rorsted, CEO of the sportswear company, said he's not worried about the tweets and opinions of the American rapper "because he's been a terrific addition" to his wallet of celebrities.

"You have to watch what you record and I know Kanye very well, he's a fantastic creative force," Rorsted told CNBC's "Squawk Box Europe" on Friday.

"He has his own opinions, we do not always defend them," added Rorsted. "But there is no doubt that this relationship has been excellent for both parties and, overall, we are very happy with this relationship.

Last year, West attracted a lot of attention, especially because of his support for President Donald Trump. The headlines circled his trip to the Oval Office in particular, where the music artist walked for half an hour on topics ranging from his political opinions to his sanity.

Wearing a "Make America Great Again" beanie, symbol of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, the celebrity said: "There was something about when I put that bonnet on, it got me wrong. makes me feel like Superman. "

He recently distanced himself from politics, but New Year's Day again tweeted his support for Trump.

Earlier in 2018, West had also been caught in a controversy when he said in an interview with TMZ that "slavery" looked like a choice. Adidas accompanied him despite these remarks, and West later apologized for making them.

"We do not always subscribe to all the opinions that he has, but it's not something that concerns me when I get up in the morning," Rorsted said. in Russia, in Latin America ".

The German company has been working with West since 2015 on the rapper's Yeezy sneakers.

Last month, the company called Beyonce to help market its sneakers and sweatshirts. Speaking of this deal Friday, Rorsted said: "There is no doubt that Beyonce will be a great addition to our dream team."

By announcing its results on Friday, Adidas posted a 17% rise in first-quarter profits despite a slowdown in sales growth. The company's share price reached a record following the results.


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