"I fell and I can not get up"


Abby Lee Miller made a scary fall at the airport. the Dance moms The personality recovers after her fall at the Pittsburgh Airport, which left her feeling humiliated. On her Sunday trip, Miller said that she had fallen from her wheelchair shortly after the arrival of her plane at the American Airlines gate at Pittsburgh International Airport.

She went on Instagram to blame the airline staff for not handling the incident properly and also praised the airport escorts, as well as the ". firefighters on fire "for helping her get up after a fall.

"Help!" I fell and I can not get up "is not it the truth?" Miller began her long legend, with a picture of herself on the ground after the fall.

(Photo: Instagram / Abby Lee Miller)

"Let's just say that my transfer from the Isle Flesh to my own chair did not go so well!" She added. "The move should have occurred on the deck as usual and not in front of a hundred people waiting for boarding, I should not have asked someone to d & rsquo; call the paramedics, maybe the @americanair gate manager should have at least asked if I was okay? "

"Thanks to all the escorts from Pgh International Airport who were so nice and the firefighters hot that quickly put me on my feet, in my chair and on my way !!!" she finished her job.

Fans of the reality show star went to the comments section of the heartbreaking message to express sympathy for her situation.

"It breaks my heart … hoping you're fine, Miss Abby! [crying emoji] I love you so much! ", Commented a user.

"I'm so sorry about what happened to you! I hope you're fine!" Another user wrote.

"Oh no, I'm really sorry, I hope you're fine, miss and I love you," commented a third fan.

After reading the messages of support, Miller noted that she was still feeling pain as a result of the incident.

"Thank you all for asking, I am stiff and my body is hurting me," she explained, adding that "her right hip and knee [are] typing "and she" the right shoulder is painful. "

American Airline spokesman Andrew Trull spoke of the incident in a statement to the press. PEOPLE, apologizing and revealing that she would get a full refund.

"We are concerned about the issues raised by Ms. Miller regarding her recent experience at the Pittsburgh International Airport and are working with our contracted special assistance provider to review the incident," Trull said. "We contacted Ms. Miller to apologize and fully refund her experience."


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