I have orange look, but you too, because of the energy saving light bulbs


At a party dedicated to the debate on democracy, President Donald Trump said he was criticized.

Trump's complaint was not about candidates competing for the bid and the possibility of turning the 45th president into a single president, but rather about light bulbs.

"People were saying what was happening with the light bulb? I said here is the story, and I looked at it: The light bulb that we are forced to have. to use – the # 1, for me, the most important, the light is useless.I always look orange, "said Trump during a speech at a Republican retirement dinner in the House.

The public at the retreat dinner of the House Republican Conference 2019 members laughed at the comment.

This is not the first time the president is described as orange. The color of his hair and skin are often a source of jokes among his critics.

He added that he was not the only one who had blisters: he told the crowd that they too were taking an orange tone under the lights.

The Trump administration announced last week that it would lower the need for energy efficient light bulbs under two previous administrations.

As part of an action, the Ministry of Energy plans to repeal a rule promulgated under President Obama demanding an increased number of light bulbs in the United States in order to comply with more stringent energy efficiency standards ; and established new energy efficiency standards for all pear shaped bulbs that were also scheduled to come into effect on January 1, 2020.

The first regulation was a 2007 law, signed by President George W. Bush, which aimed to phase out inefficient light bulbs such as incandescent bulbs and halogen bulbs.

"The light is the worst," said Trump at the retirement dinner. He also stated that "it is much more expensive than this old incandescent bulb that worked very well".

"And the light is not so good," said the president, adding that "we will sell that, but we will also sell incandescent bulbs".

Environmental groups argue that removing the regulations will result in a higher electricity bill for Americans and the generation of additional electricity generated by greenhouse gas emitting power plants.

At Thursday's annual retreat, Trump also targeted several Democratic presidential candidates.


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