‘I opposed’: CPAC crowd applauds Josh Hawley for trying to block election results


A crowd at the country’s largest right-wing summit applauded US Senator Josh Hawley as he announced his opposition to the 2020 presidential election results after a deadly insurgency on Capitol Hill among supporters of Donald Trump fueled by his lie that the election was stolen. their.

“On January 6, I opposed the certification of the Electoral College – maybe you have heard of it,” he said in a standing ovation at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Fla., Friday. “I stood up, I said, ‘We should have a debate on electoral integrity.’

He said that “the left” tried to “cancel me, censor me, kick me out, arrest me” for their decision to try to block the results of the Electoral College.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said.

Several panel discussions and keynote speeches at CPAC 2021 sought to reignite or amplify the lies about the 2020 presidential election, including speeches by high-level Republicans and right-wing figures raising questions about “electoral integrity” after the loss of the former president.

Matt Schlapp, president of the American Conservative Union that hosts CPAC, told CNN ahead of the conference that “we’re going to be spending a lot of time going through what happened in the United States.”

“Just because you fail in court doesn’t mean you don’t have a good record,” he said.

Friday’s lineup also included remarks from Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Florida Senator Rick Scott, who also sought to reject Electoral College votes to overturn the 2020 election results.

Mr Hawley was the first senator to announce he would reject the election results by repeating the false claim that some states failed to follow election laws in the 2020 election.


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