"I speak to you directly": an American lawyer reproves in a powerful way the white nationalists


Ohio's North District attorney announced Thursday federal charges against a white nationalist accused of threatening an attack on a local Jewish community center.

Reardon, who attended the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., Was arrested last week after authorities said he had posted the threat on Instagram.

American lawyer Justin Herdman said Reardon has now been accused of making threats while the authorities were pursuing his investigation and knowing he had accomplices.

PHOTO: The American Lawyer Justin HerdmanDepartment of Justice
American lawyer Justin Herdman

However, as the Trump government continued to face criticism of its response to the growing threat of violent white nationalism, Herdman took this opportunity to get his attention and speak directly to white supremacists.

"I'm talking to you directly," said Herdman at a press conference announcing the charges. "The Constitution protects your right to speak, your right to think and your right to believe.If you want to spoil the blessings of freedom by taking the path of hatred and failed ideologies, it is your choice."

Herdman went on to talk about the sacrifices made by American service members during the Second World War against Nazism, as well as those who defended their civil rights in US history.

"Thousands and thousands of young Americans have already voted with their lives to ensure that this same message of intolerance, death and destruction does not prevail – you can count their votes by visiting any American cemetery. in North Africa, Italy, France or Belgium and count white headstones, "said Herdman. "You can also recite the many names of civil rights defenders who have bled and died in opposition to supporters of these same hate ideologies.Their voices may be distant, but they can still be heard. "

"The Constitution can give you a voice, but it does not guarantee a receptive audience," added Herdman.

Herdman also referred to other threats made against the Jewish community, as well as to the shooting in El Paso earlier this month, during which 21 people were killed by an alleged gunman who had expressed his hope of taking it from the Mexicans.

"Threaten to kill Jews, shoot innocent Latinos on a weekend of shopping, plan and plot such killings in the name of an absurd racial theory, sitting to pray with godly people who execute you moments later – These actions do not make you soldiers, they make you criminals, "said Herdman. "The forces of order do not go to war with cowards who break the law, we arrest them and send them to prison."

After highlighting what he said were the strengths of various communities, Herdman again turned his attention to addressing the white supremacists directly with a stern warning to those who might turn to violence.

"When you wake up tomorrow morning, whatever the time, I want you to remember something," says Herdman. "You can not set your alarm early enough to get us out of bed.The men and women of law enforcement do not wake up, we have never fallen asleep."

"We are still awake," he added. "And with the public, when your hate will bring you to break the law, we will do our utmost to be there to stop you."

Reardon does not currently have a prosecutor on the federal list, but previously pleaded not guilty to the charges against him.

You can read Herdman's full remarks here.


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