I think the next Mass Effect takes place in Andromeda


I called him. I called him. On Friday I asked, “What if BioWare announced Mass Effect 5 this weekend?” So you will imagine my surprise and joy when the developers revealed that they are currently working on a new Mass Effect game. They didn’t provide a lot of details, it’s all very early. However, there is a picture. A teaser image with some extraterrestrial silhouettes that suggests Mass Effect 5 will be placed after the events of Andromeda.

Much like the Dragon Age 4 images from EA Play Live, in typical BioWare fashion, this new ME pic doesn’t give us much. But I think we can distinguish a very important detail: the species of these numbers.

Concept art for the new Mass Effect showing four figures in silhouette on an alien planet.

On the far right, we see a salaried worker. It’s easy, they have very distinct heads with little curved horns. The being next to them might well be human, but on closer inspection it looks a lot like a drell. “But there was no drell in Andromeda!” I hear you cry, and you would be right. When I first spotted it, I also thought that meant BioWare would take us back to the Milky Way.

But the number to the left of this potential drell is the most important to note. Too big for a human or an asari, but not big enough for a krogan, or big enough for a turien. No, this silhouette looks like an angara, the extraterrestrials from the Andromeda system.

If so, it’s a very exciting prospect for what’s to come. Those who have played Andromeda will remember that there is no drell in it. On their journey from the Milky Way, they were aboard the Quarian Ark, which never shows up in-game. You have to read a derivative book to find out what happened (although the book is interesting!) .

Creating a new game in Andromeda is also a chance for BioWare to try again. I’ve said it before, but I’m one of those people who thinks the game really wasn’t that bad. It has great characters and a great world (galaxy?) That has so many more lore to explore.

If Mass Effect: Andromeda 2 is really on the horizon, my only hope is that the open world stuff is cut. A more focused linear level design would do the series good. Oh, and let’s play like aliens!

As for that last character on the far left… I have no idea. Looks like they have hand hooks, which terrifies me.

Take it all with a pinch of salt, it is only speculation after all. But speculation is fun! And I invite you to join me. What do you think the next Mass Effect has in store for us, reader?

If a new Andromeda isn’t your jam, don’t forget that BioWare officially revealed the ME Trilogy remaster this weekend as well. (Although modders have you covered already if you want upgrades now.)

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