I understand, Chappelle. It's hard to be a comedian in your forties


Dave Chappelle in Sticks and Stones.
Photo: Mathieu Bitton / Netflix

Dave is back. Dave Chappelle – whom you may know by the name of Half cooked man or the bitch "Rick James" or the creator of one of the best comedies on the planet – is back, and he always makes fun of the anthills with his … joke … stick? My point is, Chappelle has a new special, Sticks and Stones, and the critics were a resounding "meh". He comes across a familiar and edgy territory, but he is more provocative about it this time. He is proud of his trans jokes, discards the canceled culture and defends the status of celebrity. All in all, he is a very rich old man who shouts to today's kids out of his huge lawn.

Why does Chappelle seem so disconnected? Yes, he is rich enough not to have to confuse him with the hoi polloi, although I am sure he appreciates the dollars we give him for the concerts. He does not even have that age – he just turned 46 on August 24. His bristles on his chest probably start to turn gray.


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