I used marijuana for medical purposes to treat insomnia, and it went terribly wrong


I am not a fan of pot.

I've shared a drink with friends a few times over the years, but I do not like to smoke. And I'm already paranoid, so weed seems superfluous.

But the recent explosion of the marijuana industry, especially in my state of California, and many testimonials about the medical properties of cannabis have prompted me to try marijuana for medical purposes.

About three years ago, I decided to get a marijuana card for medical purposes to find out if cannabis could relieve my chronic insomnia.

And on my first trip, I had more than what I had planned.

First and foremost, I needed to be approved for marijuana for medical purposes and learn the risks

Recreational cannabis has been legal in California since 2018. But before that, the bar for getting a marijuana card for medical purposes was very low. If you could afford the "doctor" visit and the cost of the card – about $ 60 a year – you would go there.

I knew the risks before picking my card. I had read New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd's story about her infernal spiral after she ate a whole bar of cannabis-infused chocolate. The doctor who gave me the prescription added a warning about the food and the dosage, but I dismissed it. I knew it, okay? I was an informed and educated consumer of cannabis.

Except that I did not know much about marijuana on the first day.

My new medical marijuana ID card was my ticket to a nearby cannabis club (no card-less entry, all cash sales). I discussed my situation with the young man behind the counter. He told me that there were two types of weeds: Indica and Sativa. He said that indica affects your body and that sativa affects your brain, so Indica would be the right strain to help me sleep. I bought the indica tincture with high THC content that he had recommended and I went on my way.

My experience of this night has ended in misery

Before going to bed that night, I took what I thought was a half-dose. I did not feel particularly sleepy, but I was hopeful that the dye would help me stay asleep. I've drifted.

In the middle of the night, I woke up because the bed was tilted. I felt dizzy when I went to bed. I had an extreme cotton mouth – there was not a drop of moisture between my lips. I had a bad heart. I felt as bad when I got up as when I was lying down. I could not do anything to make the bad trip stop.

Read more: 8 incredible facts about the growing marijuana industry in the US

My saving salvation that night was a story that a friend had told me. She had gone to a classy dinner with a couple of cannabis. In the middle of the meal, she began to have the impression of falling into a deep well. She had to leave dinner and she was a wreck the next day, but her only lasting detrimental effect was embarrassment.

While I was lying in my bed, uncomfortable and unbalanced, I thought, "It will pass." I knew that I just had to wait. I was not going to die from an overdose of marijuana.

I have slept intermittently. In the morning, I always felt pretty rotten, so I called ill to work. At the end of the day, I did not feel sick anymore, I was just stupid.

I switched to other methods now

I have never touched this Indica dye again. After my bad trip, riding a bicycle in front of the Oakland dispensaries, where the smell of weeds spread in the air, made me feel a little sick.

But I did not give up marijuana for medical purposes – I just started trying other methods. Now, CBD ointment can relieve me instantly when I have pain. And I found a cannabis mint with a much lower dose of THC that helps me sleep

There is now a cannabis club two blocks from my home. I do not need a medical card to buy cannabis because it became totally legal in California last year. But three years after my first experience with marijuana for medical purposes, I have a healthy respect for the power of a concentrated dose of THC.


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