"I would not have a career!"


In response to Bill Maher's highly criticized call to bring back the gross shame, The views Meghan McCain took the opportunity Monday to seize the moment when Laura Ingraham publicly mocked her role of "plus size", returning this moment to the face of the host of Fox News.

Earlier this month, Maher had presented a monologue in which he explained that weight loss was to make a comeback because "being fat is not a birth defect" and the problem of the American health care system is "Americans are eating shit, and this has provoked a scathing reaction from CBS channel host James Corden, who said," Shaming a big thing is only a matter of fact. a thing. destructive behavior like eating too much. "

McCain, who applauded The condemnation of Maher on Twitter by Corden over the weekend, said during the broadcast Monday of View that she may not be where she is in her career if it was not due to Ingraham's sweat.

"I mean, if I was not ashamed of fat, I would not have a career," she said. "Laura Ingraham said I was too big to be on TV. Laura Cree: I'm on View and you are not there! "

In March 2009, Ingraham went to his radio show to do a personal search at McCain. After McCain appeared on MSNBC Rachel Maddow Show To complain about extreme partisanship, Ingraham used a stereotypical voice, similar to Valley Girl's, to ridicule McCain.

"I really hoped that I would get that role in the Real worldbut then I realized they did not like the plus size models, "said Ingraham. "They only like women who have a particular appearance."

McCain would later respond to Ingraham's remarks by saying "kiss my big ass". A bit ironically, following these comments a decade ago, Ingraham and McCain would later be Fox News colleagues.

The conservative View The facilitator added that she was "humiliated daily" because critics repeatedly tell her that she is too big to be on her. View before telling Maher not to understand all the problems related to obesity.

"I think we need to be compassionate to people in need in life in general. As you said, obesity in our country is closely linked to poverty and access to health care, "she said. in conflict because I would not have met my husband if he had not been invited by Bill Maher, then I still have a small place in my heart for Bill Maher. "


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