Ian Happ just pulled off a Javy-Báez-type move on the bases, while Rafael Ortega stole home


The Cubs explode in the Rockies here in the second inning, having already registered four runs, and a fifth has just arrived thanks to a ridiculous base racing game by Ian Happ. Does the ghost of Javy Báez persist and still whisper in the ears of Cubs players?

With two strikeouts and Rafael Ortega in third, Ian Happ took off from first base on something that perhaps looked like a different kind of play as he was sent off a mile. So Happ pumped the brakes and started backing up to the first one… just enough for the shortstop to engage. And at that point, Happ took the opportunity to walk around the shortstop WHILE Ortega was taking off from his home.

It was beautiful:

I miss Javy. It’s not a replacement for El Mago, but El Happo was pretty fun there.


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