IATSE members teamed up to pay $ 70,000 in back DuesTheWrap


Over 98% of members voted to authorize a strike in union negotiations with film and television producers

The overwhelming approval from IATSE members to authorize a strike came after months of grassroots organizing, creating a network of Hollywood workers so closely knit they raised $ 70,000 to help cover the payment of membership fees for members who were late due to the pandemic shutdown of production.

In the final days leading up to last weekend’s strike authorization vote, members learned they had to be caught up on all overdue dues payments to participate. Olga Lexell, Editorial Assistant and Scenario Coordinator who is a member of IATSE Local 871, realized that this could exclude overdue members, especially for 871 members who are already the lowest paid workers in Hollywood.

“A friend asked if there was anything we could do to help with this,” Lexell said, “and it just started out… doing what we can to get them money.”

Lexell took to social media to ask IATSE members to contact her if they needed help paying their dues. Not only did she receive requests for help from several locals, but she found even more members and even friends outside of the industry keen to help with contributions.

Become a member to find out more.


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