IBM finally apologized for the 1968 firing of a prominent transgender scientist


Fifty-two years after engineer Lynn Conway was fired by IBM for being transgender, the company has apologized for the move. After the setback, Conway went on to make many key innovations in computer chip design.

Via New York Times:

Fifty-two years later, Ms. Conway was called back to speak to IBM’s supervisors. This time, the setting was a virtual meeting attended by other company employees.

They watched last month as Diane Gherson, senior vice president of human resources at IBM, told Ms Conway that if the company now offers help and support to “employees in transition,” no progress could make up for it. treatment she received decades ago. .

Ms Conway, 82, went on to receive an award of excellence for her “pioneering work” in the field of computers, said a spokesperson for the company.

“It was so unexpected,” Ms. Conway said in an interview, adding that she remembered fighting back tears. “It was wonderful.”

Disclosure: Lynn and I have been friends for almost 25 years.

Image: Wikimedia Commons


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