ICE closes the hotline for detained immigrants presented on Orange Is the New Black


Immigration and Customs Enforcement closed a direct line for immigrants detained less than two weeks after it appeared in an episode of Netflix Orange is the new black.

In the episode of July 26, a character who was facing deportation to an immigration detention center is famous after learning of the existence of a toll-free telephone line connecting migrants with volunteer lawyers. Another character, however, warns her: "However, you should be careful, apparently, if they find out you're using the hotline, Big Brother will stop it."

According to Los Angeles Times, human rights advocates say that's exactly what happened, ICE closed a hotline for the California group Freedom for Immigrants. The group responded to the news on Thursday with a letter of termination and abstention, calling the measure a violation of freedom of expression. They also accused the agency of retaliation for criticism.

"Even a voluntary benefit such as the free phone line" can not be removed simply because the government is unhappy with the way we share with the public what we know about our communications with people inside " said Christina Fialho, co-chair, executive director of Freedom for Immigrants.

Although ICE did not respond to requests for comments from several media outlets, the agency told the group that toll-free numbers for lawyers and pro bono organizations must be approved by the Executive Board of the ICE. Immigration review every three years, adding that those unapproved be removed from the system.

In response to the closure, six Orange is the new black Actors and more than 100 organizations have signed a letter asking ICE Acting Director Matthew Albence to restore the hotline.

"We now see life imitating art in the most destructive way," said Laura Gomez, who plays Blanca in the series. "I would have liked it to be more of a fictional situation and that we were exaggerating the reality, but it's a little bit the opposite."


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