Idaho legislature closes after six members of the House test positive for coronavirus


The Idaho legislature on Friday voted to close until early April after a coronavirus outbreak among six members of the State House.

The suspension, which will last until April 6, comes after five Republicans and a Democrat in the lower house tested positive for the virus. Several GOP lawmakers in both chambers refused to wear masks during in-person sessions, according to the Associated Press.

The break will postpone debates on important issues, including the setting of the state budget.

“We cannot help but be disappointed with the gravity of the situation on Capitol Hill, when we could have prevented it from becoming a hot spot from the start,” said House Democratic Minority Leader Ilana. Rubel and Senate Democratic Minority Leader Michelle Stennett. a joint declaration.

“We are so sorry that it took so many sick people for us to act. We have to do better when we come back, otherwise we will continue to find ourselves in this position.

Several House and Senate staff have also contracted the virus, according to the AP.

Action by the Idaho legislature has recently focused on limiting the governor’s ability to impose coronavirus-related restrictions in the state. The House is working to pass a bill that would prohibit the governor from issuing a mask warrant, according to the wire service.


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