“If anyone is lying here, senator, it’s you,” Fauci told Senator Paul in heated exchange at a Senate hearing


Dr.Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks during a hearing of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Work and Pensions at the office building of the Dirksen Senate in Washington, DC, United States, July 20, 2021.

Stefani Reynolds | Reuters

White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr Anthony Fauci and Senator Rand Paul traded beards in a heated exchange during a Senate hearing Tuesday on whether the National Institutes of Health have funded controversial research that Paul claims may have contributed to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Paul asked Fauci about an NIH-funded study he called research into gain of function, the process of changing a pathogen to make it more transmissible to better predict emerging diseases. Fauci has previously denied that the NIH ever funded research at a laboratory in Wuhan, China, which has come under scrutiny as a possible source of the virus.

“I didn’t lie to Congress. I never lied. Certainly not to Congress. Case closed,” Fauci said in fiery testimony before the Senate Committee on Health, Pensions and Labor.

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