If community spread is not brought under control, the United States “may sooner or later get another variant”


If the United States does not control the community spread of the COVID delta variant, the nation will continue to see more variants that escape vaccine protection, according to Dr.Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the White House.

“It will happen, George, if we don’t get good control over the spread of the community, which is why my colleagues and I keep saying it is very important to get as many people vaccinated as possible. “, Fauci told” GMA “presenter George Stephanopoulos Thursday.

“People who say, ‘I don’t want to get the shot because it’s me and I’m going to worry about myself, I’m not impacting anybody else’, it just isn’t the case, ”Fauci said.

MORE: What Should I Know About the Delta Variant?

When the virus spreads through the unvaccinated population, as it now does rapidly in many states with low vaccination rates, it can mutate whether the person has mild symptoms or even no symptoms.

“And when you give it ample opportunity to mutate, you may sooner or later get another variant, and it’s possible that that variant is in some ways worse than the already very difficult variant we’re dealing with now, which is a major problem that is why you want to completely suppress the circulation of the virus in the community, ”Fauci said.

MORE: All 50 States Report Vaccination Rates Increase As COVID Infections Rise, Data Says

Over 70% of the US adult population has received at least one dose of a vaccine and 60.7% of the US adult population is fully vaccinated. Of all eligible Americans, that is, all over the age of 12, 67.9% have received at least one dose and 58.3% are fully immunized. But in some states in the United States, the vaccination rate is lower than the national average.

There are still approximately 93 million eligible Americans who have not been vaccinated.

Fauci warned in an interview with McClatchy on Wednesday that he believed the spread of the virus could increase to the point that the United States is reporting 100,000 to 200,000 new cases per day.

Fauci: If the spread of the community is not brought under control, the United States “may sooner or later get another variant” which originally appeared on abcnews.go.com


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