iFixit takes a look at pixels 3a and 3a XL to see what's missing


Now that Google has returned to the mid-range phone market, iFixit employees have taken a look inside the Pixel 3a and the Pixel 3a XL to see what you get (or not) for your money. Just like their more expensive counterparts of Pixel 3, these two packs pack Samsung OLED screens, as well as the same rear camera. However, it does not contain expensive hardware, such as the Visual Core Pixel Chip, wireless charging coils, and sealing elements.

If DIY jobs interest you, some of the changes seem to make them more modular and potentially easier to repair, but for the most part they look like what they seem to be, with components and well-established designs that do not are not at the forefront. technology, but will work very well. Whether you're a big fan of headphone jacks, hate the price of smartphones that approach or exceed $ 1,000, or just want to replace a USB-C port without sending your device for repair, Google's new family of phones has something to enjoy.


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