Ignoring calls to step down, Gaetz slams Cheney in his home state


“Defeat Liz Cheney in this next election, and Wyoming will bring Washington to its knees,” he told a group of hundreds of spectators, many of whom were not wearing masks. “How can you call yourself a representative when you don’t represent the will of the people? That’s what all neo-cons ask about Arab dictators. I think maybe we should ask a bureaucrat the same question. of the ring road turned bogus cow that backed a deeply unpopular impeachment in the state of Wyoming. “

Gaetz has revealed his intention to campaign against Cheney after she and nine other House Republicans voted to impeach Trump for inciting an insurgency on Capitol Hill. The measure was the most bipartisan indictment in US history. But the ruling against a president who has become an exciting figure for his party has sparked vitriol, with calls for Cheney to be ousted from his leadership position within the right flank of the caucus.

But talks of the impeachment made only an appearance in Gaetz’s rally on Thursday. The congressman has mainly chosen to portray Cheney as being in cahoots with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Democrats like President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to maintain a status quo that works for Washington at the expense of Main Street America. He accused Cheney of being out of touch with the cowboy values ​​of his home state of Wyoming, calling himself a supporter of “prairie populism.”

“The truth is that the establishment of both political parties have teamed up to fuck our fellow Americans for generations,” Gaetz said. “The private insider club of Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney, they want to return our government to its default setting: make them rich.”

The claim that Cheney and his Democratic counterparts are fighting for the same team contrasts with the lawmaker’s simultaneous introduction on Thursday of legislation challenging Biden’s recent power generation decree.

Gaetz also attacked Cheney for the role his father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, played in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He called Liz Cheney a “neo-conservative” contemptuously, saying she advocated unnecessary wars in the Middle East.

“The neocons say we have to fight them abroad so that we don’t have to fight them at home,” Gaetz said. “I was going to say maybe we should fight the neocons at home so we don’t have to fight them in Washington, DC But it’s a problem, isn’t it, because the neocons are at home in Washington , DC “

“The real cowboys, I guess, fought the Indians so they could use the land, but what are the American soldiers even fighting for that Liz Cheney send out to the world?” he added. “Places most Americans couldn’t even mark on a map.”

Much of the event followed Trump’s playbook, with talking points reflecting the former president’s grandiose public commentary. Trump has frequently expressed his contempt for Cheney while he was president, telling his supporters shortly before they stormed the Capitol on January 6: “We need to get rid of the weak members of Congress, the ones who are not good, the Liz Cheneys of the world. “

At one point, Gaetz even echoed Trump’s contempt for developing countries during a dig in Congress, saying: “A nation that does its best to fight against the world’s worst nations shouldn’t send its worst representatives to the United States Congress. “

Cheney’s team largely repelled Gaetz’s attacks, with a member of his office telling CNN this week, “Rep. Gaetz can leave his beauty bag at home. In Wyoming, men don’t wear makeup.” (The search is an apparent reference to Gaetz’s use of makeup in an HBO documentary about his tenure).

In a statement to POLITICO, former Wyoming State Representative Amy Edmonds said it just as bluntly on Thursday: “Wyoming doesn’t like foreigners coming into our state and trying to tell us what to do. .


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