IJustine Tim Cook’s Interview Briefly Covers Virtual Events, iPad mini, Augmented Reality, and Retail


A new interview with iJustine Tim Cook was taken immediately after yesterday’s Apple event and released today.

YouTube creator iJustine made a career out of being essentially a professional Apple fan, and doing it with charm – and the interview was certainly the brand’s one. It covered a few different topics, but don’t expect tough questions or new revelations …

iJustine started off by asking what it was like to go from in-person events to virtual events, and Cook said he was delighted with the reaction to those.

It’s great to have such a positive response from people. It’s great to invite people here, see what it looks like on the inside, and pull the curtain on Apple. I’m so happy with the response we don’t have and how many more people we can show in our place and invite to our home.

iJustine said the most surprising part of the speech for her was the iPad mini and asked how Cook saw the new device fit into the iPad lineup.

You know, this is our biggest update for iPad mini. People use it in so many different ways, we wanted to appeal to all of those types of uses. People really love the power of having this amazing device in the palm of their hand, having a full iPad experience. […] It’s amazing every use case, and when you have something so ultraportable like this, it’s amazing.

Cook was asked how he views new camera capabilities as changing the way creators use the iPhone.

Things like movie mode is like having a Hollywood rig in your pocket.

After mutual enthusiasm on the Apple Watch in general and on Fitness +, Justine asked how augmented reality is going to change people’s lives. Cook simply expressed his enthusiasm for AR in general terms.

You know I’m so excited about AR. It’s one of those very rare deep technologies that we’ll one day come back to and ask how we left our lives without it? […] Already it’s a great way to shop, it’s a great way to learn, it improves the learning process, I can’t wait for it to be even more important in the collaboration.

Finally, Cook was asked about the opening of the Apple Tower Theater store in Los Angeles and how he sees the evolution of the Apple Stores. The CEO of Apple mostly spoke about how awesome it was to restore the building after decades of neglect, and said the key element for him was the stores’ ability to “connect communities directly with mentors and the creatives of the community “.

You can watch the interview below.

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