Ilhan Omar denounces judge for blocking voting measure to suppress Minneapolis police department


Representative Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Denounced a judge’s decision to block a Minneapolis voting measure that would replace the city’s police department with a new public safety department.

At an in-person town hall meeting Tuesday night in Minneapolis, Omar slammed a lot of money for thwarting a progressive measure that she said would have given the city “flexibility” on how to better monitor the city. .

“The leaders who oppose progress in this city are neither anonymous nor anonymous,” she said. “Using your network to impede the kind of progress that so many people in this city want and look forward to is not something that should go unnoticed.”


“This electoral measure should be on the ballot,” she said. “As you can see, I’m pretty upset about this.”

“We have people who pay so much money to make us slaves to a charter that the majority of us [oppose]”, she continued.” It is the opposite of what democracy should produce. People had a vision of what they wanted, and there’s a judge, there’s a mayor, there’s a police chief, and their rich friends who tell us that you can’t have a city that adapts to our needs and requests. How else are we supposed to progress if we can’t? “

Omar’s comments came after Hennepin County District Judge Jamie Anderson on Tuesday overturned Question 2 of the Minneapolis ballot for the Nov. 2 election, saying the wording was “unreasonable and misleading.”

The question was to ask voters if they wanted the city charter amended to replace the Minneapolis Police Department with a Department of Public Safety, “which could include licensed peace officers (police officers) if necessary, with an administrative authority to be compatible with other municipal services to fulfill their responsibilities in matters of public security.

Omar argued in an August 31 editorial for the Star Tribune that the measure was a necessary step to end police brutality and make communities safer.

“The truth is, the current system has not served our city for a long time,” she wrote. “I have been saying for a long time that we need a public safety system that is truly rooted in the basic human needs of the people.”

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison also approved the measure last month, saying Minneapolis residents are eager to reform the police and “hold accountable” after the murder of George Floyd in the same city last year.


“Basically, communities across [Minneapolis] need and want the opportunity for reform and accountability, which the current Charter blocks by locking us into an outdated model for law enforcement and security. They want to end the cycle of inaction “, Ellison tweeted on Aug 31.

“This year, the inhabitants of [Minneapolis] have requested and can take this first action step on the ballot. As a resident of [Minneapolis] where the murder of George Floyd sparked a national call for real reform, I will vote Yes for greater public safety and more human rights for all. # Yes4Minneapolis. “


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