"I'm going to ride you and your wife"


Russell Westbrook's controversial relationship with fans of Utah Jazz reached a new level on Monday when he threatened two people during a break in Monday's game.

The video captured a heated Westbrook and was posted on Twitter.

The language of the video is not safe for the job.

Westbrook: "I'll make you go up"

"I am going to tell you something. I'll get him up, said Westbrook to someone who does not hold the camera.

Westbrook then turns his attention to the person who receives his anger.

"I promise you," said Westbrook. "You think I'm playing, I swear to God, I swear to God, I'm going to get you up, you and your wife, I'll get you up.

"I promise you … All that I love All that I love."

Westbrook: "Completely disrespectful … racial"

Westbrook talked about the interaction after the match in a statement to the media.

"The realization of this is – how things started – a young man and his wife in the stands told me to" get on my knees as before, "said Westbrook." For me, it's completely For me, I think it's racial and it's inappropriate in the sense that there is no protection for the players.

"If I had to do it again, I would say exactly the same thing. I'm really going to stand up for myself and my family, my wife, my mother, and my father every time. When it comes to hitting his wife, I never got my hands on a woman, I'll never do it. "

The full Westbrook statement can be read below:

<p class = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Westbrook's teammate Patrick Patterson also discussed the incident that occurred after the match on Twitter. "data-reactid =" 48 "> His Westbrook teammate Patrick Patterson also spoke about the incident after the match.

Fan gives his side of the story

The KSL Salt Lake City met the fan who said he was about to receive the Westbrook tirade after the game. Shane Keisel called Westbrook "classless" and said he had never insulted Westbrook during their exchanges.

"He must be a professional. She was sitting all the time, "said Keisel about his wife. "To be honest, it was really fun. He was smiling at one point.

"Russ is just a bombshell F, and continues to play the role of a fool here and everyone reaches him … I just told him to sit down and skate your knees, dude. … Then he became dangerous for the job. I never told him anything.

Keisel went on to say that his wife had never been involved in the interaction.

"She never left her seat," said Keisel. "I never said a word. Hands on his knees. I never told him anything. … He can threaten anything he wants. I am the one who talks to him. But do not threaten a woman. She is 5 feet tall and weighs 110 pounds. I mean, never said a word to him. His first game of the NBA, ever. Welcome to the NBA, Jen. "

A fan tweeted about Westbrook

It was not the first time Keisel had described Westbrook as "classless". He also did it on Twitter during the playoff series between Jazz and Thunder last year.

In October, he also tweeted: "Russell Westbrook must go back to where he comes from! #MAGA "

Keisel's Twitter account was protected after Monday's match.

Jazz warned fans

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The & nbsp;Jazz issued a statement& nbsp; after the match, fans were warned by security and the incident is under investigation. "data-reactid =" 86 "> The Jazz issued a statement After the match, fans were notified and the incident is under investigation.

"We continue to investigate the unfortunate exchange in tonight's game between Russell Westbrook and the fans," the statement said. "Several warning cards were issued by the arena security. Players and fans have a shared responsibility to create a safe and respectful environment.

"If it is determined that fans have broken the code of conduct of the NBA, the appropriate steps will be taken."

The bad blood of Westbrook with fans of Utah

Westbrook has a public history with Jazz fans dating back to last year's playoffs when Utah won a hotly contested first round series against Oklahoma City.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "He had & nbsp;two altercations with the fans in the decisive game 6 of this series, one who saw him sweep and exchange words with a fan holding a camera as he left the field after losing. "data-reactid =" 91 "> He had two altercations with the fans in the decisive game 6 of this series, one that saw him sweep and exchange words with a fan holding a camera while he was leaving the field after losing.

Westbrook also shouted at a fan who confronted him at the tunnel at halftime of the same match.

After the playoff defeat, a frustrated Westbrook told reporters that Utah supporters were disrespectful and invoking the family of players as they spoke to them.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = ""I do not confront the fans," Westbrook said last April. "The fans are confronting me. Here in Utah, dude, a lot of disrespectful and vulgar things are said to the players. And with these fans, man, it's really disrespectful. Talk about your family, your kids, and it's a lack of respect for the sport. I think that's something that needs to be raised. I'm tired of going out and letting fans say what they mean. I'm not with that. Because if I were in the street, they would not come and tell me anything, because I do not play that shit. So I think it's disrespectful and they have the opportunity to do what they want. It must be stopped, especially here, in Utah."data-reactid =" 98 ">"I do not confront the fans," Westbrook said last April. "The fans are confronting me. Here in Utah, dude, a lot of disrespectful and vulgar things are said to the players. And with these fans, man, it's really disrespectful. Talk about your family, your kids, and it's a lack of respect for the sport. I think that's something that needs to be raised. I'm tired of going out and letting fans say what they mean. I'm not with that. Because if I were in the street, they would not come and tell me anything, because I do not play that shit. So I think it's disrespectful and they have the opportunity to do what they want. It must be stopped, especially here, in Utah.

Another playoff game could raise tension

The situation in Utah seems to be getting worse between fans of Westbrook and Jazz. His comments and stories of what Keisel told him will surely catch the attention of the NBA, which has more and more problems of negative interactions between fans and players.

Fans have access to NBA players like no other sport, with seats on the same floor as the players and no barrier between them.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Except a playoff match, & nbsp;98-89 Victory of Oklahoma City& nbsp; Monday will be the last time these two teams face each other this season. The Thunder is currently qualifying for No. 4 seed in the playoffs, while the Jazz would be No. 6 seed if the playoffs start today. "Data-reactid =" 102 "> Except one playoff game, 98-89 in Oklahoma City win Monday will be the last time these two teams will face this season: the Thunder is currently ranked 4th in the playoffs , while the Jazz would be ranked 6th if the series started today.

But a little bump in the two-way standings could indicate a rematch of the first-round series of last season.

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