I’m hypnotized for Rose in Street Fighter 5 because Capcom is finally doing what it should have been doing throughout the game


Capcom has a new approach to communicate about the game is very important

Rose has been my main character since 1996 when I first got my Sega Saturn, and I regularly played Street Fighter Alpha 2. My friend showed me a great guidebook written by Versus, which I would find out later. he had almost gone bankrupt. according to one of their employees.

This guide was amazing, with several tournament level players including Graham Wolfe having worked on it. This Versus book would also be a great inspiration for EventHubs. There was a killer section on Rose, and after figuring out what the character could do in the late 1990s, I went to try my luck against some of the best players of the time.

After playing regularly with my friends, I figured I could defend myself against some of the arcade cabinet pros at Sunnyvale Golfland, and after being quickly destroyed (kudos to Alex Valle), I had no idea I was was going to prepare my future destiny. My love affair with fighting games resurfacing, and all that time competing with friends – and pros – would result in the exceptional team creating the biggest and most successful fighting games website. best the world has ever seen, EventHubs.

Rose has been a big part of this for me. She’s been my primary since Street Fighter Alpha 2, and hearing Kenny Omega officially say she’ll be coming to the game has brought me pure joy, in a way I’m a little embarrassed to admit. I shouldn’t have that level of love and appreciation for a video game character, but I do.

There’s no way for a small group of people to completely change the way the fighting game community covers these games, but we did. We were the first to blog about fighting game news on a regular basis, not only on EventHubs, but I clearly did on GeoCities, where thanks to Nick rox, I helped announce the arrival of Alpha 3 in the west.

But the story of EventHubs has been told over and over, and just like Batman, we don’t need to hear another origin story. Instead, today I want to focus on why knowing that Rose is coming is such a huge deal, and why Capcom should have been doing this throughout Street Fighter 5.

Reduced expectations

Street Fighter 5 is now almost five years old, and the game has been about as tumultuous as it gets. It’s also my favorite entry in the entire franchise, ever.

Seeing the fighting game community’s reaction to SF5 has been both disappointing and justified. The sins of Street Fighter 5 are so well documented at this point, it’s almost unnecessary to list them here. They seem almost burnt in the psyche of the fighting game community.

While people can debate whether or not this is correct, it’s clear that the game has a perception issue, and one that Capcom has. finally actively fought against – communicating openly with their fans about what expectations they should have.

The previous summer update and winter update for this Thursday are all Capcom should have done this all this time. While I can speculate as to why this did not happen clearly in 2016 and easily point fingers at people still at Capcom, or who have left, the fact is due to internal fights and many issues, these updates for fans did not happen. The fans lost because Capcom couldn’t go out of their own way.

People wanted to love this game, but egos were too big at Capcom, and now … some of those egos are gone, and I hope egos stick around for good.

Summer and winter updates are what we’ve wanted for years

“We’re still looking at how we can innovate on the model of the series, while keeping an eye out for fan receptivity to a new kind of offering for a Street Fighter game,” Matt Dhalgren said in 2016. “Street Fighter 5 broke new ground on the series model by being a service-based platform, ”he added.

Billed almost from the start as a “service” that would be constantly updated, fans were extremely excited when Street Fighter 5 was released into the wild. Yes there were game balance issues and almost 8 frames of input lag. There were a lot of issues, but Street Fighter 5 was a game for a new era, a new take on Capcom fighting games. Fans wanted more content on a regular basis, and we were going to get consistent updates on what was going on with the game – until it stopped happening altogether for long periods of time.

“We do things differently”

The worst thing that happened to Street Fighter 5, in my opinion, was when Capcom inexplicably decided to go radio silent for several months. They could have said anything, they could have said the game was on hiatus for several months while they were weighing their options, instead they cornered a poor (and now former) Capcom USA employee all over the place. alone to post posts to try and decipher all Hell has happened to Street Fighter 5 from the time Kage was released, until E. Honda, Poison, and Lucia were revealed.

There are a LOT of valid reasons why things turned out this way, and there was no misunderstanding at Capcom. The problem was, failing to communicate with their fans for long periods of time, we had no idea what was going on. The people who loved and supported this game, which currently sells 5.2 million copies, have been left behind. We love this game, we still do, and your most die-hard supporters had little to say in defense.

And the base of the Street Fighter 5-hating fighting game community, they had a whole bunch of horrible new things to say about it, which were seemingly warranted again.

At this point, it’s just a matter of making the most of what you have

This play isn’t about recapping the story and saying how horrible it was. We did this a lot already. Instead, I want to illustrate how horrible this scenario was before, to emphasize how much I appreciate Capcom actively speaking to their fans who still love this game.

Even if you’re not the biggest Rose fan on the planet, there’s a good chance you’ll be interested in Dan, Oro, Akira, and whatever the 5th mystery character is.

“Tilt your hat on the issues of the past, let fans know you’ve been wrong – but more importantly, show the people who’ve stuck with you all this time why they were right to do it.”

There is a positive dynamic with the game at the moment. It hit new sales heights and people are really intrigued again. Please Capcom keep doing exactly what you have been since August 2020. Let the past be the past, move forward with this approach, and double your communication with your fans.

I can’t tell you how many people I know personally who gave this game about 50 chances, they tried to find the good out of the bad. Street Fighter 5 is never going to be for everyone, but at least it can maintain and hopefully grow some of the fanbase it currently has until Street Fighter 6 is ready.

While the road has been dangerous at times, Capcom can still guide people around this year and a half or so until the next game arrives. Tilt your hat on the issues of the past, let fans know you’ve been wrong – but more importantly, show the people who have been by your side all this time why they were right to do it.

Universal recognition seems impossible at this point for Street Fighter 5, but what doesn’t seem impossible is showing the people who have remained fans – those who are still interested – why Capcom is such a great video game company. You can let your talent as a development studio shine through and be the best you can be. No ego, no agendas, just make the best product possible. Play the hand that is dealt to you.

If you’re skeptical of any of this, you’ve unfortunately been given too many reasons over the years to save those emotions, but this is also a chance for Capcom to show people that they can return to CapGod status. They certainly won’t get there overnight, but with the way the Monster Hunter series is handled being a gold standard in the business, we just hope as many of these things as possible translate to the gaming side. of fight.

To say I’m looking forward to Thursday’s Winter Update, seeing how it all plays out – or not – would be an understatement.


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