Images from a migrant center in Donna, Texas show cramped conditions as border numbers increase


EXCLUSIVE: New images obtained by Fox News from the Donna, Texas Migrant Detention Center show the cramped conditions in which migrants are held amid a continuing wave at the southern border and new fears of the spread of COVID -19 related to the delta variant.

The images and video show migrants crammed into cells similar to images that sparked outrage among Republicans and Democrats in March, when more than 4,000 migrants were crammed into “pods”.


Images obtained by Fox News show conditions at the Donna, Texas migrant center.

Images obtained by Fox News show conditions at the Donna, Texas migrant center.
(Fox News)

Since March, the facility has grown and the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has placed more emphasis on the faster processing of migrant families and unaccompanied children who are detained at its facilities. in the USA. The numbers initially dropped to hundreds in April and May.

Unaccompanied children are quickly placed in the care of Health and Human Services (HHS), where more than 14,000 children and adolescents are currently in care, before being handed over to their parents or guardians already in the country.

Meanwhile, migrant families are either deported via Title 42 public health protections or processed in the United States, often with just a notice to show up at their local Immigration and Customs Office (ICE). when they arrive at their destination.


But the numbers have continued to rise and now even exceed rapid treatment of CBP. A border patrol source told Fox News that as of Thursday there were 5,300 migrants in detention, with around 40 to 60 per pod – above the COVID-19 cap of 10.

Images obtained by Fox News show conditions at the Donna, Texas migrant center.

Images obtained by Fox News show conditions at the Donna, Texas migrant center.
(Fox News)

On Thursday, more than 800 children were apprehended at the border, while 612 were placed in the care of the HHS. Overall, there was an 8% increase in UAC meetings between May and June, and a 25% increase in meetings with migrant families.

This is part of a continued influx of migrants to the border that sees no signs of slowing down. More than 188,000 migrants were encountered in June, and reports say more than 210,000 were encountered in July – although those figures have not yet been released. This is considerably up from the 78,000 seen in January.

The Biden administration blamed “root causes” like poverty, violence and climate change in Central America for the increase. Last week, the White House unveiled strategies to tackle these causes and already announced funding for measures to tackle violence and corruption in the Northern Triangle countries.

Images obtained by Fox News show conditions at the Donna, Texas migrant center.

Images obtained by Fox News show conditions at the Donna, Texas migrant center.
(Fox News)

Republicans blamed Biden’s retreat from Trump-era policies such as migrant protection protocols, which held migrants back in Mexico, as well as ending the construction of border walls and narrowing enforcement of the ICE law. They say these movements encouraged migrants to make the dangerous journey north.

The increase in migration comes amid renewed fear of the spread of COVID-19 linked to the delta variant, with concerns that migrants in packed conditions could spread the virus to other migrants, agents and Americans. ‘they are released.


The Biden administration has acknowledged these concerns by extending the Title 42 public health order. In addition, on Thursday, it began transporting Title 42 migrants withdrawn into the interior of Mexico.

“As part of the United States’ mitigation efforts in response to the increase in COVID-19 cases due to the delta variant, the Department of Homeland Security has started transporting people deported under Title 42 through plane to the interior of Mexico, ”said a DHS. a spokesperson told Fox News on Friday.


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