Immortals Fenyx Rising (Finally!) Adds Customizable Loadouts


Illustration from the article titled Praise Be Unto Zeus, iImmortals Fenyx Rising / i has Finally Loadings

Screenshot: Ubisoft

Ubisoft has released an update for Immortals Fenyx Rising today, fix known issues, add key stability improvements, and … blah, blah, blah. Forget it all! The game is (finally!) get loads!

Today 1.1.1 patch integrates an equipment loading function directly Fenyx Risingthe inventory screen, allowing players to organize up to three loadouts. After updating, you should see three nodes on the left side of your inventory. Think of them as three separate inventory pages. Click on a; assign weapons and armor as you see fit. Each “page” will remember any gear you’ve equipped and any cosmetic changes you’ve applied. As simple as that.

immortals fenyx increasing loads

Immortals Fenyx Rising handles loads with elegant simplicity.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Kotaku

Of all the features Immortals could have used – from a deeper commute to a fast travel network that isn’t as unnecessarily separate as the Washington, DC subway – customizable loads that rank high on the list. Say you really feel the movement of Athena’s Dash. You would like to put on the Piercing Wisdom Helmet, which increases its damage and gives you extra stamina, allowing you to use it over and over again. You might want to pair it with armor (e.g. Typhon’s Brood Chestplate) and Weapons (the Challenger Sword) that also gain you more endurance. But if you’re up against a boss, focusing on one move isn’t really a good idea. You will probably want to use equipment that improves or restores your health. The ability to switch between these items on the fly, without having to sift through all your gear each time, is an Olympian boon.

In fact, customizable loadouts should become de rigueur for open-world games from the drawing board – the kind of item on a checklist that lives alongside enemy outposts, evolving viewpoints, and that industry standard design decision where you put question marks everywhere. a map that looks interesting but never ends up out of the ordinary.

Take Ghost of Tsushima, for example. The samurai-themed open-world action game released last July, giving gamers, by my calculations, one billion metric pieces of gear. Mechanically, Ghost of Tsushima was close to perfect, but sorely missed a loading function to organize all those katanas, bows, charms and, most importantly, armor dyes that you will earn. And here, in a October surprise update, developer Sucker Punch fixed in-game loadouts. (This same update saw the “free” introduction of Ghostof irresistibly convincing cooperative mode, Legends.)

Today Immortals The patch also expanded the haptic feedback for the PlayStation 5’s DualSense controller and lifted the prerequisite to unlock the Nightmare difficulty. You no longer need to beat the game to activate it. But both are small potatoes compared to these bespoke loads. Ok, Ubisoft: do Assassin’s Creed Valhalla following.

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