Impossible Foods raises $ 300 million in the last round of funding, including Jay-Z, Serena Williams and Jaden Smith.


Photo: Nati Harnik (AP Photo)

Jay-Z, Serena Williams, Jaden Smith and Trevor Noah are part of the impressive list of celebrities who have decided to support the movement by putting their money in the place of their dreams.

According to CNN, Impossible Foods announced Monday $ 300 million in its latest round of funding, bringing the total to more than $ 750 million.

In addition to those already mentioned,, the leader of the band The Roots Questlove, the Minnesota Vikings Vikings quarterback, singer Katy Perry, who recently wore a vegan outfit at Burger 2019 and the German-Russian producer Zedd .

While consumers are turning to vegetable protein for a variety of reasons, Jay-Z's affinity for healthier prices is well documented. In December, he and Beyoncé challenged their fans to become vegans, offering free concert tickets for life in exchange for their commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

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Become a vegetarian. Get tickets for Beyoncé and Jay-Z for life. Treat?

Imagine going to Beyoncé and / or Jay-Z concerts all your life. All you have to do is …

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And in March, Questlove presented its impossible plant-based Cheesesteak, which debuted at Philadelphia's Citizens Bank Park.

"We've developed (and perfected!) An impossible ™ herbal meat recipe that we hope will provide a delicious and sustainable alternative to all cheese-steak consumers," he said. he writes on Instagram.

Overall, it's great to see so many big names make money while advocating for a healthier lifestyle, especially with hypertension and heart disease so common in our community. Hopefully this will inspire more of us to consider herbal alternatives.


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